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October 18, 2024


GLPS Families,

Over the last couple of weeks, I have asked you to provide me with feedback around the topics that interest you and what you would like to hear more about from me in my weekly messages. I also asked you to indicate areas in which you wanted me to ask you to provide more feedback. I really appreciate the time all of you took to fill out the survey, as your responses allow me to specifically tailor my messages, and future asks for feedback, around your needs and interests. 

To those ends, I would like to share the results with you here, and then I will reference them periodically throughout the rest of the year.

Topic Percentage of  Respondents Interested
District Events and Celebrations
Staff Highlights 61.3%
Curriculum 60.0%
Standards/Essential Learnings

Bond Progress 45.0%
Instructional Practices 42.5%
Enrollment/Budget Updates 38.8%
Community Connections 38.8%
Arts 36.3%
Facilities Planning 35.0%
Technology 35.0%
Athletics 35.0%
Strategic Plan 31.3%
Other Topics (Summarized) - Coach Selection Process, Frequency/Types of District Communications, Enrichment Outside of the District, Special Education, Student Growth, School of Choice, Behavior Supports and Strategies 1% each

As for the areas in which you wanted me to ask you for feedback, the percentages are listed below. Periodically throughout the year, I will include surveys dealing with these topics so that you can provide feedback to help us continue to improve.

Topic Percentage of  Respondents Interested
Instructional Practices 52.0%
Standards/Essential Learnings 52.0%
District Events and Celebrations 35.7%
Facilities Planning 32.1%
Technology 28.6%
Staff Highlights 26.8%
Strategic Plan 23.2%
Enrollment/Budget Updates 21.4%
Arts 21.0%
Community Connections 21.0%
Athletics 19.6%
Bond Progress 17.9%
Special Education 7.0%
Other (Summarized) - Fundraising, Frequency of Communication, Types of Communications, Student Opportunities 1.8% Each

We are partners in the education of your children, and therefore, it is important that we are meeting your needs when it comes to communication, and seeking your input and feedback regularly to ensure that we are accountable to you and meeting your expectations. The information I shared with you today will certainly help me live up to that responsibility. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to work with your children every day, and thank you for your ongoing support for GLPS. 

As always, I am #proudtobeacomet!

Bill Barnes
Superintendent of Schools

Sharing Enrollment and Budget Information
Student and Family Supports
Planning for Next School Year Starts