Dear Hayes Intermediate School Families,

Here is some news to get us into the weekend…

NWEA Update
All classes have finished NWEA testing; we are looking to complete makeup testing for a few students that were absent on test day.

PTO Fundraiser Update
Just a quick thank you! We are so grateful for all the support and participation in our Next Level program so far.
Our program is in full swing, but there is still time to get involved. Please log back into your personal donation page to ensure that your child has reached their goal. Every dollar raised makes a difference in the lives of our students! If you would like to donate yourself, there is still time. Just click on this link:

All cash and check donations are due by 9/28/2023. Please turn in cash and check donations in an envelope, with your students’ name on it, to the main office. Please make checks payable to Hayes/Beagle PTO. Thank you again for everything you are doing to make this Next Level program a huge success! The staff and students thank you for your generous support, as we continue to strive to give our students the most AWESOME school experience we can!

Carline Update
For the PM carline, if you have picked up your student, feel free to pass those parents that are still waiting for their students. Continue to drive carefully through the lot. Ignoring basic safety standards just one time (speeding, cutting through parking spots) can result in tragedy.

Online Attendance Reporting
There are several ways to report an absence at Hayes. The new, simple way is using the online portal at Once you have logged in, select “Attendance Monitor” from the left navigation menu. Then, click “Report New Attendance.” After you have entered the date, reason, and explanation, click Submit. For more detailed instructions, please click here. Also, you may continue to email or call the attendance line at 517-925-5333. Please note: online attendance reporting is not available in the app; it is only available on the website.

Looking Ahead
Picture Retakes - October 17th

Thanks for giving us the joy of working with your students each day! See you at homecoming tonight!

Eric and Scott

Eric Leopold, Principal
Scott Millbrook, Assistant Principal
Hayes Intermediate School

March 7, 2025 Newsletter
February 28, 2025 Newsletter
February 21, 2025 Newsletter