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GLPS Families,

As we head into the first full weekend of October, and it feels like fall, we have certainly moved into the school routine for the 2023-2024 school year. To those ends, it is also time for me to begin thinking about feedback, what is working well in the district, and what needs to change. This week, our district leadership team read an excerpt from the book Evaluating Instructional Leadership by Julie R. Smith and Raymond L. Smith, in which the authors discussed ways to think about feedback. If we focus on feedback around where we are going (goals), how we are going (strategies), and where to next (planning), we can truly help improve our organization.

In an effort to help me with feedback on goals, strategies, and the future, I am planning on re-engaging the parent school improvement team this year. However, we are going to change the title to the Caregiver School Improvement Team, because we know that we have a wide variety of folks who care for our kids, including parents, guardians, and family members.

Like last year, this team will meet periodically throughout the year to discuss progress on our strategic plan, understand the data that we use to track success, and provide me with input and feedback on our district to help us improve. We will meet on Thursdays from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. on the following dates. The meeting location will be shared with the group as we get closer, because I would like your input on the location of the meetings.

      • October 26, 2023
      • November 30, 2023
      • January 25, 2024
      • February 22, 2024
      • April 18, 2024
      • May 23, 2024

Please take a few moments to complete this form. If you are interested in being a part of this team, please indicate that so I can communicate with you directly. Please note that you do not have to attend all of the meetings to be a part of the team. You even have the option of simply signing up to receive the communications. If you are not interested, I would love to know why as well, as that is useful feedback for me, too, so I still encourage you to fill out the form.

Next week, I will share the results of last week’s survey with you, so you can see the areas that people are most interested in hearing about for me. In fact, if you have not filled out this one question survey from last week, please take a minute to do so. In the meantime, have a wonderful weekend. We appreciate your support, and we appreciate the opportunity to work with your students every day. As always, I am #proudtobeacomet!

Dr. Bill Barnes
Superintendent of Schools

Making a Decision on a Snow Day
Goals, Data and Upcoming Assessments
Heading into Winter Break 2024