Dear Hayes Intermediate Families,


Here is some news to get us into the weekend...


After School Choir

Starting on Thursday February 1st, Mr. Austin and Mrs. Burton will be holding an after school choir on Thursdays from 2:30-3:30 p.m. Any students who are interested are welcome to join! This choir will sing a variety of music, play music games, and have lots of fun! Students should by Mr. Austin’s room anytime to grab a permission slip. 

Math Night at Hayes Intermediate

Join us Wednesday February 21 from 6:00-7:30 pm for Math Night at Hayes Intermediate. Families will be able to attend 3 different sessions about varying math topics. Families are also welcome to enjoy pizza for dinner. We are asking for RSVPs to help us plan and organize the event. Please RSVP here:  We will see you there!

Introduce a Girl to Engineering

Date:       Saturday, February 17, 2024
Who:       4th - 8th graders

What:     Hands-on engineering activities

Where:   Engineering Building

Time:      1:00-4:00pm (check-in 12:10-12:40pm)

Cost:       FREE

Sponsored by: MDOT and General Motors

Registration is required and participants must be chaperoned. 4th-8th graders will rotate through five hands-on activities.  Activities are prearranged in tracks.  Upon registration at the link below, you will choose your top five track choices and then one will be assigned to you prior to the event.

Registration deadline is February 7, 2024 or until maximum capacity is reached. REGISTER at

Questions? Contact MSU Women in Engineering Recruitment and K-12 Outreach Office at

International Day - April 13th 2-6pm at Beagle Middle School

We invite you to join us for International Day this year on April 13 from 2-6 at Beagle Middle School.  International Day is a day to celebrate our cultural diversity and to learn from each other!  There are many different ways to participate in this special day.  You may simply attend and enjoy watching performances, looking at displays or admiring clothing.  Or, you may wish to create a display, perform or be a part of the fashion show (please sign up using the provided forms).  Either choice is great and we would love to see you attend!

Lost and Found

Is your student missing that nice, new winter coat? Or perhaps that fancy Stanley Cup? Or even a single mitten? Check out our lost and found near the cafeteria. Most students walk by each day without even giving it a second look. Due to space constraints, lost and found items are cleaned out and donated every couple of months.

Hayes Happenings

Hayes Happenings is our weekly news show that is directed, produced, and edited under the guidance of teachers Jacque Cosgrove and Allison Shumate. Here is a link to the episodes from this school year so far:

January 26 Episode

January 12th/19th Episode

December 21st Episode

December 15th Episode

December 8th Episode

December 1st Episode

November 17th Episode

November 10th Episode

November 3rd Episode

Looking Ahead

January 31 - Last Day of 2nd Quarter Specials

February 1 - First Day of 3rd Quarter Specials

February 16 - Half Day of School

February 19 - No School - Presidents Day

February 21 - Math Night

March 8 - Last Day of 2nd Trimester Enrichment

March 11 - First Day of 3rd Trimester Enrichment

March 12 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4-7 PM

March 14 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4-7 PM

March 15  - Parent Teacher Conferences 12-3 PM

March 15 - Half Day for Students

March 22 - March 29 - Spring Break

April 1  - Classes Resume

April 13 - International Day at Beagle Middle School

May 20 - Half Day for Students

May 27 - Memorial Day - No School for Students

June 14 - Last Day for Students/Half Day

View flyers and more from the school district and the community plus learn about upcoming things here:  

Take care,

Eric and Scott

Eric Leopold, Principal
Scott Millbrook, Assistant Principal
Hayes Intermediate School

Grand Ledge Public Schools International Day - April 13th, 2024 

Introduce a Girl to Engineering 

August 23, 2024 - Newsletter
August 16, 2024 - Newsletter
August 8, 2024 - First Newsletter