Delta Center Elementary Newsletter

305 S. Canal Rd. Lansing, MI 48917 | Office 517-925-5540 | Fax 517-925-5579 | Attendance 517-925-5581 |
Friday, Sept. 13th, 2024
Upcoming Dates
Oct. 4 No Students - Teacher PD
Nov. 1 No Students - Teacher PD
Nov. 15 Half Day - Release at 12:10 pm
Nov. 19 Conferences - 5:00 - 8:00 pm
Nov. 21 Conferences - 5:00 - 8:00 pm
Nov. 27 - 29 No Students - Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 2 No Students - Teacher PD
Dec. 3 Conferences - 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Dec. 23 - Jan. 3 No Students - Winter Break
Jan. 6 No students - Teacher PD
Jan. 20 No students - MLK Day
Feb. 14 No students - Teacher PD
Feb. 17 No students - Presidents' Day
March 7 Half Day - Release at 12:10
March 11 Conferences - 5:00 - 8:00 pm
March 13 Conferences - 5:00 - 8:00 pm
March 18 Conferences - 5:00 - 8:00 pm
March 21 - 28 No students - Spring Break
March 31 No Students - Teacher PD
May 23 No Students - Teacher PD
May 26 No Students - Memorial Day
June 6 Last Day - Release at 12:10 pm

School Hours 8:55 am - 3:55 pm
Please do not drop off before 8:40 am
Pick up no later than 4:05 pm
Please call before 3:00 pm if you have a transportation change
Thank you!
From Our Principal
We want to emphasize the importance of arriving at school on time. Students are expected to be in their classrooms and ready to learn by 8:55 a.m. Arriving on time sets a positive tone for the day and ensures that your child does not miss valuable instructional time. This week, we had several students dropped off after 8:55 a.m. If you cannot drop your child off before this time, please accompany them to the office to sign them in properly. Without this, they will be marked with an unexcused tardy. Additionally, students are expected to remain in school until dismissal at 3:55 p.m. We have noticed many students leaving early recently. Both late arrivals and early dismissals disrupt the learning environment for all students. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in helping us maintain a focused and uninterrupted learning environment.
Creating a Welcoming Environment:
Creating a welcoming school environment is a key part of the district’s strategic plan, with student safety as a top priority. At Delta Center Elementary, we focus on fostering a positive atmosphere where all students are respected. In the first few weeks of school, we participated in the "My Name, My Identity: A Declaration of Self" campaign, which promotes inclusivity and respect for individual identities. Through this campaign, students shared their personal experiences and learned about the importance of names to one’s sense of self and cultural identity. Reflecting on the impact of name changes or mispronunciations helped students develop empathy and a greater appreciation for diversity. To conclude the lesson, students took a pledge to honor each person’s right to be recognized for who they are, helping to create a supportive environment where everyone can thrive. For more information about the campaign, please find information here. We look forward to more efforts to create a safe and inclusive environment here at Delta Center!

Pick-up Process:
We want to thank everyone for helping make our pick-up process swift and safe. Your diligence in using the visor tags has been invaluable, allowing us to quickly radio our team to cue students for a faster pick-up. Pulling all the way forward also allows us to load 4-5 cars at once, which helps keep things moving smoothly. We kindly remind all drivers to proceed with caution while on school property. We are currently working on a safer plan for entering and exiting from the parking lot to the access road. More information will be provided in next week’s update.

Thank you for your attention to these important details as we work towards a successful school year! As always, if you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Teresa Dyer

Additional Office News
Updating Student Contact Information
Click this link to update your address, name, phone number, email, emergency contacts, medical updates.
To change an address we need two proofs of residency. These are the only forms that we can accept.
*Property Tax Statement (the taxes you pay on your home twice a year)
*Lease/Rental Agreement (with your name, the address, and the signature pages sign by both the lessee and lessor)
*Utility Bill
*Mortgage/Home Closing Documents
*Cable/Internet Bill
*Home/Renter's Insurance
Driver's licenses and voter registration cards are NOT acceptable for this purpose
You can email the documents to or
If you have questions please contact our office at 517-925-5540.
Volunteering & Chaperoning
Persons wishing to volunteer for Grand Ledge Public Schools are required to complete the Volunteer Registration Form and be approved prior to serving as a volunteer. All volunteers MUST check in at the office to receive a BADGE prior to proceeding to any other area on school property. Please visit District Volunteer Application to complete the process.
Lost and Found
The lost and found is located near the gym. If your student is missing something, please have them check the lost and found. Labeling clothing/items will also help us to return things to students. Thank you!
Delta Center PTO
Our PTO provides support for teachers, academic materials for students, and fun activities for students and families. We are in need of volunteers to continue to run!
Please see below our meeting schedule for this school year and a list of our members. We would love to have you join us. We have free childcare during the meetings!

Hi Delta Center families!
My name is Mindi Stevens and I’m excited to be returning as your child’s school counselor. I am happy to report that Delta Center also has a social work intern from MSU named Miss Sarah that will be helping in our building this school year. We are here to support all the students here at Delta Center and their families.
Throughout the school year, we will be providing classroom lessons to all students focused on social and emotional skills as well as career awareness. We will also be teaching social skills in the form of small groups and providing individual check ins with students who need extra support.
If you have any questions or need anything, please let me know.
I am looking forward to a wonderful school year with your students!
Have a great weekend!
Mindi Stevens
School Counselor
Delta Center Elementary

What is a makerspace ? It is a place where students can build, create, innovate, and explore with tools and STEM based activities. The goal is to be able to provide this learning experience to ALL of our students.Any questions please reach out to Brooke Ward.
We are looking for parent volunteers to help run
makerspace on Monday’s during lunch recess!
Physical Education News
If you would like to help with P.E. equipment, please use this link
We apprecitate your generosity!
Mrs. Watters
Delta Center PE Teacher

District & Community News
- Sep. is Library Card Sign-up Month
- Sep. is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
- Sep. 15 - Oct. 15 » National Hispanic Heritage Month
- Sep. 15-16 » Mawlid Al-Nabi (Birth of the Prophet Muhammad)
- Sep. 17 » Citizenship/Constitution Day
- Sep. 17-23 » Constitution Week
- Sep. 17 » Sybirak’s Day (Poland)
- Sep. 18 » National School Backpack Awareness Day
- Sep. 21 » International Day of Peace
- Sep. 22 » First Day of Autumn
- Sep. 28 » National Good Neighbor Day
- Sep. 29 » Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Festival; Mooncake Festival)
- Sep. 29 - Oct. 6 » Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)
- Sep. 30 » National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Canada)
- Oct. is National Bullying Prevention Month
- Oct. is Learning Disabilities Awareness Month
- Oct. is National Principals Month
- Oct. is Down Syndrome Awareness Month
- Oct. is National ADHD Awareness Month
- Oct. is Crime Prevention Month
- Oct. is Cybersecurity Awareness Month
- Oct. 2-4 » Rosh Hashanah
- Oct. 2 » National Custodial Workers Recognition Day
- Oct. 3-12 » Navaratri
- Oct. 7 » Child Health Day
- Oct. 11-12 » Yom Kippur
- Oct. 11 » International Day of the Girl
- Oct. 6-12 » Fire Prevention Week
- Oct. 6-12 » National Metric Week
Is something missing? Please share with John Ellsworth, GLPS Director of Communications, any additional Recognitions & Acknowledgments you think we should include on this list or upcoming lists – email him at
Annual Notices for FERPA & PPRA
No action is required of families, but Grand Ledge Public Schools (GLPS) is legally required to annually provide families with information about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA). FERPA information is on our website at, and PPRA information is on our website at
Hiring Crossing Guards
Be creative, study science, be artistic, and understand how things work – all while making friends and having fun by joining Destination Imagination!
DI is a STEAM-based, competitive extracurricular activity that promotes creativity and teamwork for students in grades 3 through high school. Early learning opportunities are also available for K-2 students.
Each year, teams pick a challenge to tackle, work on it at weekly practices, try their hand at instant challenges and then showcase their teamwork and solutions at a regional tournament. Challenges are in the technical, scientific, fine arts, improvisational, engineering and service learning categories. Click this link for a brief video overview of the challenges.
Interested parents and students from any Grand Ledge school can learn more about the program and this year’s challenges on Monday, Sept. 16, 6:15-7:15 p.m. in the Delta Center Elementary media room or Thursday, Sept. 19, 7-8 p.m. virtually via Google Meet,. The meetings have the same content: you’ll learn about this year’s challenges and how the program works.
If you are unable to attend but interested in the program, please contact Jennifer Pakkala, Clever Comets Coordinator, at For more information, visit and
Lifeline is an FCC program that helps make communications services more affordable for low-income consumers. Lifeline provides subscribers a discount on qualifying monthly telephone service, broadband Internet service, or bundled voice-broadband packages purchased from participating wireline or wireless providers. The discount helps ensure that low-income consumers can afford 21st century connectivity services and the access they provide to jobs, healthcare, and educational resources.
Learn more about Lifeline at