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February 9, 2023


GLPS Families,

I hope you have enjoyed the sunshine the last couple of days! It feels more like mid March than mid February, so we will take all of the nice weather we can get. 

This week, I wanted to share our newly adopted board policies with you. The board, along with district administration, has undergone a nearly two year process of reviewing, updating, and ultimately approving new policies that govern how we operate as a district, replacing all of our old policies. We completed this work with a company called Neola; they are utilized throughout the state to make sure board policies are always up to date and in accordance with state laws.

To view our new policies, I invite you to click here. You can also go to the GLPS Board of Education web page, select Mission, Vision, Beliefs, and Policy from the right side of the page and scroll down to the link that says Board Policies. Either way, when you select the policies, you will see them broken out by topic, and then you can expand each topic to see the individual policies. 

We value transparency here at GLPS, and this shift represents the most transparent we have ever been with the policies that govern our day to day work. A special thank you goes out to our board and our administrative team, as well as our new partners at Neola, for the countless hours they put into getting this project off the ground. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. 

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to work with your children every day, and thank you for your support.

As always, I am #proudtobeacomet!

Dr. Bill Barnes
Superintendent of Schools

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year
GLHS - 1/2 Day Again on Thursday
Temp. Concerns Lead to 1/2 Day at GLHS Tomorrow