Dear Beagle Middle School Families,

Here are some updates that we wanted to share at this time:

Homecoming Festivities: Tomorrow, our High School Marching Band will be making a surprise visit to Beagle during 3rd hour, marching through the hallways to the beat of the drum line.  Our students always love this, and it’s become a tradition over the past few years.  We thank our High School Marching Band and Mr. Szczerowski, Marching Band Director, for doing providing this exciting opportunity.  Tomorrow evening is going to be a very busy evening in Grand Ledge with our homecoming festivities and games.  We have been reminding our students to show Comet PRIDE in all that they do in school, at home, and in the community to ensure we have a safe, happy, and healthy homecoming evening. We thank our families in advance for continuing to echo this same message at home.

PTO Sponsored After School Dance, Support Needed: Our PTO/fundraiser-sponsored after-school dance will be on Thursday, October 3rd from 2:45-4:30 pm.  The dance is free to all students.  In an effort to host a large event like this, our PTO needs the support of Beagle families to help in a variety of ways with the dance.  Those interested in volunteering, please click here: We thank those volunteering in advance for their support.  Students attending the dance must be picked up promptly at 4:30 or have alternate transportation plans made in advance.  We encourage our parents to please take a parking spot utilizing both parking lots for pick-up from the dance; this will help immensely with traffic flow. 

Athletic Events: With the year up and running and a gaggle of sporting events happening on campus multiple nights per week, we wanted to first say thank you to our families and students for supporting our student athletes.  We appreciate the outstanding sportsmanship of our athletes and spectators, focusing on the positive and building each other up in a Comet PRIDE fashion.  In addition, spectating students have been doing an outstanding job in following the expectation of going home first, and then coming back up to campus to spectate when the game begins.  This helps to ensure student safety.  In addition, Mr. Jim Price, Middle School Athletic Director, is typically on campus during sporting events.  If you ever have any issues, concerns, or questions regarding athletic events, please feel free to connect with him at the event or email him at  If you have any issues, concerns, or questions regarding high school athletics, please contact Mr. Steve Baker, Athletic Director, at  

NWEA Results for Families: Due to updates with both NWEA and PowerSchool, fall NWEA results are not available to our families at this time.  Our technology department is actively working on getting these results posted in PowerSchool for our families to review as they are no longer being updated in SchoolNet due to the updates.  Please look for communications once these scores are posted in PowerSchool.  We appreciate your continued patience and understanding. 

Boys’ Open Gym:  Boys interested in participating in middle school basketball tryouts, which will occur at the end of October, are welcome to engage in open gym here at Beagle on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30-8pm.  These open gym sessions will be supervised by high school basketball coaching staff. 

PTO Meeting: Our next Hayes/Beagle PTO meeting of the year will be on Tuesday, October 22nd at 6:30 pm here in the Beagle Media center.  Families may also attend this meeting virtually as there is currently a hybrid offering.  Please use the following link for more information:

Upcoming Events, District News, & Community Information: To review what the school district shares in newsletters about events, news, and information, please visit

Students’ of the Week:  Please click on the following link to view this week’s Students’ of the Week:
Please note that the list may not be updated until the following Monday as students are celebrated on Friday mornings. 

Upcoming Important Dates:

10/3/24–After School Dance sponsored by the PTO 2:35-4:30

10/4/24–No Students, District-Wide Professional Development

11/1/24–No Students, District-Wide Professional Development

11/7/24–Middle School Parent/Teacher Conferences begin, information to follow in subsequent newsletters.

These are all of the updates that we have at this time.  Again, we thank you for your continued support.  Please reach out with any questions or concerns. 

Take care,

Dave and Kelly

Beagle February 13, 2025
Beagle February 7, 2025
Beagle January 31, 2025