Dear Beagle Middle School Families,
Here are some updates that we wanted to share at this time:
Thank you, Nancy Lonberger: We wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate Mrs. Nancy Lonberger’s career as a 27-year veteran with our middle school staff. Thank you, Nancy, for your outstanding years of service to our students, staff, and community. Today was Nancy’s last day, and we wish her well in retirement. We have filled Nancy’s position with an external candidate, Mr. Shawn Campbell, that has nearly 15-years experience at the middle level teaching Social Studies; Mr. Campbell will begin on November 18th, tentatively. In the interim, Ms. Joni Henretty, retired Beagle Middle teacher, will be a long-term substitute covering Nancy’s classes. Joni has been shadowing Nancy the last few days to ensure a smooth transition, and the same will happen when Shawn takes over. Again, we thank Nancy for her outstanding years of service and wish her well. Here is a picture of Nancy’s last day: Nancy's Last Day.jpg
Parent/Teacher Conferences: Parent/Teacher conferences are next week. Please look for an email that was sent out by Lindsay Pelette earlier this week. Parent/Teacher conferences begin next week on November 7th virtually and continue the following week on November 12th and 14th, in-person here at BMS. We thank our families for participating in parent/teacher conferences as we are team with one mission: growing learners, preparing students. Please note that sign-up for conferences will close the day before the conference date as staff need time to prepare for conferences the following day. If you have issues or concerns signing up for conferences, please email Lindsay at
Book Fair, A Message From Ms. Douglas, Librarian: Get ready—the Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school! Studies show that kids read more when they choose books for themselves. And fostering a love of independent reading leads to a wide variety of benefits—including academic success and improved mental health.The fair will run November 11th through November 14th and will be open to students during the school day. All students will have the opportunity to visit the library during their ELA class. The fair will also be open during conferences, on November 12th and 14th from 4:00pm-7:00pm . If you are interested in setting up an eWallet for your student, directions are listed on the website.Here’s the link to Beagle’s Fair website:
Additionally, when you fund an eWallet you’ll have the opportunity to contribute to a giving initiative called Share the Fair. Your contributions directly support our students who may not otherwise have the means to bring home a new book!
Comet Council Short Story Contest: Our Comet Council is hosting a winter-themed short story writing competition, which we will be announcing to the student body on Monday morning. Submissions are due by December 2nd. There will be two winners per grade level: first place winners will receive a $25 gift card, second place winners will receive a Yellow Ticket item from our school store. More specific information about the competition can be found here:
PTO Meeting: We encourage our families to attend PTO meetings. We wanted to take this opportunity to remind our families that attendance at PTO meetings does not require an every month commitment; family support and input is appreciated whether it’s attending one or several PTO meetings. Our next Hayes/Beagle PTO meeting will be on Tuesday, November 19th at 6:30 pm here in the Beagle Media center. Families may also attend this meeting virtually as there is currently a hybrid offering. Please use the following link for more information:
Upcoming Events, District News, & Community Information: To review what the school district shares in newsletters about events, news, and information, please visit
Students’ of the Week: Please click on the following link to view this week’s Students’ of the Week:
Please note that the list may not be updated until the following Monday as students are celebrated on Friday mornings.
Upcoming Important Dates:
11/1/24–No Students, District-Wide Professional Development
11/7/24 (virtual), 11/12/24 (in-person), and 11/14/24 (in-person)– Parent/Teacher Conferences, information to come the week of October 28th from Mrs. Pelette.
These are all of the updates that we have at this time. Again, we thank you for your continued support. Please reach out with any questions or concerns.
Take care,
Dave and Kelly