Dear Beagle Middle School Families, 

Here are some updates that we wanted to share at this time:

Parent/Teacher Conferences, Sign-Up Next Week: As we discussed last week, Mrs. Pelette, secretary, will be sending families information early next week regarding sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences, which will be held as follows: November 7th (virtual, 4-6pm); November 12th (in-person, BMS gyms, 4-7pm); and November 14th (in-person, BMS gyms, 4-7pm).  We encourage families to save both the initial email sent by Mrs. Pelette along with the confirmation email after sign-up, especially for the virtual conference date.  If you have any issues or questions regarding sign-up, please contact Mrs. Pelette at  Because teaching staff need to prepare information for specific families prior to conferences, sign-up for conferences will close the day prior to the specific conference date. Therefore, we encourage our families to sign up for conferences as soon as possible. 

Winter Coat Drive: We thank our families that were able to donate to our Comet Council’s Winter Coat Drive this week.  Donations will be provided to families in our community that have a need.  We also want to celebrate our Comet Council members for engaging in this outstanding outreach opportunity to support our community, an outstanding example of Comet PRIDE! 

Comet Council Tutoring:  Our Comet Council is also engaging in peer-to-peer tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays during CNC.  Students were emailed the link to sign up by Mrs. Hernandez two weeks ago.  The link to sign-up requires students to use their Grand Ledge email address; in other words, parents cannot sign up for their students.  If your student would like to access the tutoring program, the sign up link can be found on our website within the Comet Council section:

Accessing NWEA Scores in Parent Portal:  NWEA scores–along with grades, attendance, and missing assignments can be found within Parent Portal within the Academic Summary Report using a web browser–not the application.  Here is a video on how to access these scores:

Athletics: Mr. Price, MS AD, has updated information on our webpage regarding a weightlifting opportunity for our middle schoolers from all sports, which will begin on November 19th and run until Spring Break.  Please click here for more information:  If you have any questions regarding athletics, please reach out to Mr. Price at

PTO Meeting: We thank our families that attended the PTO meeting this week; your support is appreciated.  We wanted to take this opportunity to remind our families that attendance at PTO meetings does not require an every month commitment; family support and input is appreciated whether it’s attending one or several PTO meetings. Our next Hayes/Beagle PTO meeting will be on Tuesday, November 19th at 6:30 pm here in the Beagle Media center.  Families may also attend this meeting virtually as there is currently a hybrid offering.  Please use the following link for more information:

Upcoming Events, District News, & Community Information: To review what the school district shares in newsletters about events, news, and information, please visit

Students’ of the Week:  Please click on the following link to view this week’s Students’ of the Week:
Please note that the list may not be updated until the following Monday as students are celebrated on Friday mornings. 

Upcoming Important Dates:

11/1/24–No Students, District-Wide Professional Development

11/7/24 (virtual), 11/12/24 (in-person), and 11/14/24 (in-person)– Parent/Teacher Conferences, information to come the week of October 28th from Mrs. Pelette. 

These are all of the updates that we have at this time.  Again, we thank you for your continued support.  Please reach out with any questions or concerns. 

Take care,

Dave and Kelly

Beagle February 13, 2025
Beagle February 7, 2025
Beagle January 31, 2025