Dear Beagle Middle Families, 

Here are some updates and reminders that we wanted to share at this time:

Fundraiser: We thank our families for supporting our Fundraiser over the past week.  This fundraiser ultimately supports our outstanding PTO, which then supports our students and teachers in a variety of ways.  Again, thank you so much for your support. 

Conflict Resolution Presentations:  This week our counseling staff presented to all students regarding conflict management and resolution strategies.  We provide these proactive supports to our students at this level because this is a time of significant change for children.  During adolescence, tweens are on a quest for autonomy and self identification while simultaneously being motivated and influenced by peers, impulse, and emotions in their day-to-day interactions.  Peer-to-peer issues can and will arise at this age level for the aforementioned reasons, which is exactly why we provide these proactive supports to students and continue to support them on a daily basis. 

NWEA on Monday Next Week: NWEA testing for ELA will be on Monday, September 25th in the morning.  The logistics will be identical to the math testing: students report to CNC by 7:52am, and testing begins promptly at 8am.  Students must charge their chromebooks on Sunday evening at home and bring them to school on Monday for testing.  After testing, students will go to all classes–sans CNC–for the rest of the day, and lunches will be served.  Please note that NWEA testing results do take some time to upload into SchoolNet within Parent Portal.  

Reporting Absences:  We thank our parents for reporting absences via Parent Portal using the “Attendance Monitor” application.  Here is a resource for parents to report absences in this fashion: Parent Portal Attendance.pdf . If you have any issues or questions regarding the use of this feature within Parent Portal, please email Ms. Sadie Green, attendance secretary, at  Absences can still be reported by calling our attendance line (517) 925-5680.  

IXL Diagnostic and At-Home Practice:  Over the past two weeks, our students have completed a diagnostic for both Math and ELA within IXL, a personalized learning platform that supports students where they are in their learning.  On Wednesdays in CNC this year, students will engage in IXL practice, toggling back and forth from Math to ELA week-to-week.  IXL is a great learning tool for our students as it focuses specifically on lagging skills in relation to essential learnings.  Many families are aware of IXL, but we wanted to provide parents with this additional resource below as we encourage students to engage in IXL learning opportunities to the greatest extent possible at home.  This video will provides more insight into IXL and how to support students at home:

PTO Meetings: The Hayes/Beagle PTO meetings will be hosted here at Beagle Middle School in our media center.  Parents should enter through the cafeteria doors as they are open for athletic events.  The media center is located in the first hallway to the left once in the cafeteria.  Meetings are held from 6:30-7:30 pm.  The next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 17th.  We greatly appreciate parent support and participation at these meetings.  In addition, please follow the Hayes & Beagle PTO Facebook page for more information and updates regarding upcoming events. 

Students’ of the Week:   To view our Students’ of the Week, please click here  Please note that that Students’ of the Week are updated on our website the Monday after receiving their certificate on Friday. 

Family Communication Archive: Please click here to review family communications (current and previous newsletters) sent to Beagle Families. 

District and Community News: To review district-wide and community news, please click here

Looking Ahead:

  • Monday, September 25th–ELA NWEA, same format as September 18th
  • Thursday, September 28th–Picture retakes or initial pictures during the school day at BMS. 
  • Wednesday and Thursday, October 4th and 5th–Bullying and Harassment presentations to all students by counseling staff. 
  • Monday, October 16th–Half-day for students, 7:52-10:52

These are all of the updates that we wanted to pass along at this time.  Please reach out with any questions or concerns. 

Take care,

Dave and Kelly

Beagle May 17, 2024
Beagle January 12, 2024