Dear Beagle Middle School Families, 

Here are some updates that we wanted to share at this time:

PTO-Sponsored Winter Dance Tomorrow: Tomorrow from 2:45-4:30 pm, our PTO will be sponsoring an informal, winter dance for our students.  We will be selling wristbands during both lunches tomorrow, and the cost is $10.  Students will be provided with pizza and snacks during the dance.  We thank our family members, teachers, and PTO members attending in advance for their support of this event.  Students may walk home from this dance as it will still be light outside.  We kindly ask family members picking up their students to park in the parking lot in lieu of the parking loop to keep traffic off of South Street, and to ensure a timely departure from the dance at 4:30pm.  

NWEA Data Analysis: As we discussed last week, our students did an outstanding job engaging in Winter NWEA testing.  This week, our Math and ELA teachers across both grade levels engaged in our regular data analysis process to celebrate things that are going well and to identify areas for improvement in all classroom.  Essentially, this data is another formative measure that helps our teams identify next steps for instruction.  Our building-wide data demonstrates that our students are making strides in both overall growth and achievement, especially in Math. While overall growth is good, the growth in achievement is most connected to success on State assessments coming in the spring. Our teacher teams will continue to review the data and continue to work on their data analysis action plans during our upcoming district-wide PD on Friday, February 14th.  Since the NWEA window closes tomorrow, scores will not show up within Parent Portal for families to review until the second week of February. 

Comet Council Food Drive: We thank our Comet Council students and Mrs. Davis for organizing a successful school spirit/donation drive this week!  We also thank our families that were able to contribute to this community service project.  

Hayes Instructional Rounds: Across multiple days next week, all Hayes Intermediate staff will be coming over the Beagle in small groups to engage in instructional rounds to increase vertical alignment across the district.  Instructional rounds help practitioners in various disciplines to gain perspective and grow.  We are excited to invite Hayes staff members into our classrooms.  Later this spring, our 7th grade Beagle teachers will engage in the same practice at Hayes, observing Hayes' teachers engaging in their practice. 

Board of Education Report: Our Beagle staff and students will be presenting to the Board of Education on Monday, February 10th to celebrate the great things going on at Beagle Middle.  We look forward to several of our students engaging in this opportunity. 

Washington, D.C. Update *Sandwich Fundraiser Forms and Money are due MONDAY, February 3rd and the pick up date is WEDNESDAY, February 12th - please arrange for your fundraiser items to be picked up by 5:30pm. We cannot store perishable items overnight.
*Trip Scholarship Information - The students were given a scholarship application in history class today. If your family has a financial need, please complete the form and have your child turn it in by MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10th to their history teacher.  The scholarship funds are limited. If you are interested in donating to this fund, please contact your child's history teacher to make arrangements.
*If for some reason, your child is registered for the trip and can no longer attend, please contact Glenn Fountain at as soon as possible so we can invite a student from the wait list.
*Next payment due date: Friday, February 28th

Yearbooks:  Yearbooks orders will be online this year, beginning February 13th and ending March 14th.  When we receive the ordering link from the vendor, we will email that our to our families, and we will also continue to run it in our newsletter. 

PTO Meeting: We thank our families that attended the previous PTO meeting; your support is appreciated.  We wanted to take this opportunity to remind our families that attendance at PTO meetings does not require an every month commitment; family support and input is appreciated whether it’s attending one or several PTO meetings. Our next Hayes/Beagle PTO meeting will be on Tuesday, February 11th at 6:30 pm here in the Beagle Media center.  Families may also attend this meeting virtually as there is currently a hybrid offering.  Please use the following link for more information:

Upcoming Events, District News, & Community Information: To review what the school district shares in newsletters about events, news, and information, please visit

Students’ of the Week:  Please click on the following link to view this week’s Students’ of the Week:
Please note that the list may not be updated until the following Monday as students are celebrated on Friday mornings.  

Upcoming Important Dates:
2/14/25–Teacher PD, No Students

2/17/25–No Students, Presidents’ Day

3/7/25–Half-Day, Trimester 2 Ends

3/21-3/31/25–Spring Break, No Students, includes Teacher PD on the 31st

4/1/25–Classes Resume

4/9/25–8th Grade PSAT in the AM; 7th grade delayed start around noon.  More to come in subsequent newsletters. 

These are all of the updates that we have at this time.  Again, we thank you for your continued support.  Please reach out with any questions or concerns. 

Take care,

Dave and Kelly

Beagle February 13, 2025
Beagle February 7, 2025
Beagle January 31, 2025