Dear Beagle Middle School Families, 

Here are some updates that we wanted to share at this time:

Social Media Challenges: We have recently addressed a great deal of social media issues that began outside of school and, unfortunately, trickled into school causing campus disruptions.  We kindly ask parents to continue to both monitor and regulate their student’s use of social media and technology in general, especially during the winter months.  This is a challenging time of the year for all given the Michigan weather, which is why we make every effort to get students outside for recess even during the winter months as they need physical activity on a regular basis. We thank our families to continue to support us on this front. 

Successful Lockdown Drill: Yesterday, we held our required transition-period lockdown drill, and our students did an outstanding job during this drill, which was supported by both Grand Ledge Police and Fire Departments.  For this lockdown drill, we do not inform students of the drill because it occurs during a passing period.  Historically, if we told students of the drill in advance, they would intentionally congregate in specific areas of the building knowing they could all enter the nearest classroom together with friend, which turned into a safety concern when “Lockdown Drill” was announced over the intercom as 40-50 students would attempt to enter a classroom designed for 25-30 students.  This is why we do not inform our students of this drill, and this is why we sent a text message to our parents just prior to the drill to ensure they were aware.  When the drill was announced, students did an outstanding job entering the nearest classroom; our staff engaged their nightlock devices; and the hallways, bathrooms, and classrooms were secured in less than 90 seconds!  This is outstanding.  All rooms were checked by administrative or city officials within nine minutes, and students returned to their 5th hour classes.  This entire process took only 15 minutes. Again, we thank our students and staff for an outstanding, and we thank our families for their understanding regarding the importance of these drills. 

Rising 9th Grade Families, Parent Orientation: Dr. Wright, Principal at GLHS, sent an email to all current 8th grade Beagle families last week regarding a parent orientation on February 27th from 6:30-7:30 at the GLHS auditorium.  This presentation will review high school credit requirements, registering for courses, and transitioning to high school.  We encourage parents of rising 9th grade students to attend this orientation.  On March 11th, GLHS administrators and counselors will be meeting with all of our current 8th graders in the media center out of Science classes; GLHS representatives will be providing students an in-depth overview on high school courses and registering for courses.  After the meeting, our 8th grade Science teachers will support students in registering for courses via PowerSchool next year.  

Rising 8th Grade Families: On March 12th, we will meet with all of our current 7th graders regarding the process to request elective-based courses for next year.  This presentation will be shorter than the presentation received while in 6th grade.  After our meeting, students will work with their families to select elective requests for next year, submit the google form by the end of the week with parent support, and then Science teachers will support students placing requests into PowerSchool the following week. 

7th Grade Vision Testing: 7th grade vision testing will take place on February 26th; students will be called out of their Science class each hour for testing. 

International Night: previously hosted annually at Delta Center, this year’s International Night Celebration will be even bigger and hosted here at Beagle Middle School! Join us on April 13th from 2-6 pm to explore the different international cultures represented in GLPS. Please see the flier attached for more details and for information on how to audition to represent your culture. Reach out to Amanda Gabriel at with any questions.  Please click here for more information: International Day Flyer and Sign-Up 2023-2024.pdf 

Students’ of the Week:  To view our Students’ of the Week, please click here  Please note that Students’ of the Week are updated to our website the Monday after receiving their certificate on Friday. 

Family Communication Archive: Please click here to review family communications (current and previous newsletters) sent to Beagle Families. 

District and Community News: To review district-wide and community news, please click here

Looking Ahead:

  • February 16th–Half-day, no PM classes.
  • February 19th–No school in recognition of Presidents’ Day
  • March 12th,14th, and 15th–Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • March 15th–Half day for students, no PM classes, end of second trimester
  • March 18th–Third trimester begins
  • March 22-29th–Spring Break, no classes

These are all of the updates that we wanted to pass along at this time.  Please reach out with any questions or concerns. 

Take care,

Dave and Kelly

Beagle August 29, 2024
Beagle August 23, 2024
Beagle August 13, 2024