Dear Beagle Middle Families, 

Here are some updates that we wanted to share with you at this time: 

NWEA Testing: NWEA testing is near completion at this time.  Our counselors will be completing a few make-up sessions early next week.  As we have discussed in the past, it takes some time for NWEA scores to show up within the Parent Portal.  When NWEA scores are available, we will inform parents. Our Math and ELA teams will be meeting later this month to engage in a thorough data review of our winter NWEA scores, reviewing how they correlate to classroom-based measured to help guide future instruction. We appreciate our parents and students in supporting another successful NWEA testing session. 

Attention 8th Grade Parents: Please watch for communication from Dr. Wright, GLHS Principal, that will be coming your way today via email regarding 8th Grade Parent Orientation Night at GLHS.  

7th Grade Vision Testing: 7th grade vision testing will take place on February 26th; students will be called out of their Science class each hour for testing. 

International Night: previously hosted annually at Delta Center, this year’s International Night Celebration will be even bigger and hosted here at Beagle Middle School! Join us on April 13th from 2-6 pm to explore the different international cultures represented in GLPS. Please see the flyer attached for more details and for information on how to audition to represent your culture. Reach out to Amanda Gabriel at with any questions.  Please click here for more information: International Day Flyer and Sign-Up 2023-2024.pdf 
Scholastic Clay Target Program:  The Capital Area Sportsmen’s League is actively seeking 6-12th grade students who may be interested in joining the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP).  This program is separate from the Grand Ledge Trap Team, and it provide more opportunities for our students that are part of that team.  Please see here for more information: Clay Busters 

PTO Meetings: The Hayes/Beagle PTO meetings will be hosted here at Beagle Middle School in our media center.  Parents should enter through the cafeteria doors as they are open for athletic events.  The media center is located in the first hallway to the left once in the cafeteria.  Meetings are held from 6:30-7:30 pm.  The next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 13th. We greatly appreciate parent support and participation at these meetings.  In addition, please follow the Hayes & Beagle PTO Facebook page for more information and updates regarding upcoming events. 

Students’ of the Week:  To view our Students’ of the Week, please click here  Please note that Students’ of the Week are updated to our website the Monday after receiving their certificate on Friday. 

Family Communication Archive: Please click here to review family communications (current and previous newsletters) sent to Beagle Families. 

District and Community News: To review district-wide and community news, please click here

Looking Ahead:

  • February 16th–Half-day, no PM classes.
  • February 19th–No school in recognition of Presidents’ Day
  • March 12th,14th, and 15th–Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • March 15th–Half day for students, no PM classes, end of second trimester
  • March 18th–Third trimester begins
  • March 22-29th–Spring Break, no classes

These are all of the updates that we wanted to pass along at this time.  Please reach out with any questions or concerns. 

Take care,

Dave and Kelly

Beagle August 29, 2024
Beagle August 23, 2024
Beagle August 13, 2024