Dear Beagle Middle School Families, 

Here are some updates we wanted to share with you at this time:

PTO Sponsored Spring Dance: Tomorrow, we will be selling tickets for our semi-formal dance during lunches.  Tickets are $15, and 25% of all ticket sales go back to our students, funding our Comet PRIDE School Store!  Tickets will also be sold at the door.  The dance will be tomorrow evening from 6:30-8:30 pm. It is a semi-formal dance, but students are not required to dress up.  We wanted to inform families that the parking lots *may* be full due to a large baseball event that will be running late into the evening.  While we typically do not allow students to walk home from dances or off of school property–especially earlier in the year when it’s dark at 8:30 pm–we are going to be flexible for this dance.  Students, with parent permission, may walk home from the dance, or walk off of school property to have their parents pick them up down the street to avoid the potential traffic from the athletic event.  

Lugnuts: Two weeks ago in science classes students received a permission slip to attend the Lansing Lugnuts game on Wednesday, May 29th. The permission slip and money need to be turned in by Monday, April 29th, this is an entire school field trip so please plan accordingly as students will be gone from approximately 9:15 am until 2:10 pm. More information is provided within the field trip permission slip. Thank you to our PTO and student fundraising this fall for bringing down the cost of the trip significantly. 

MSBOA District 8 Solo and Ensemble Festival: Congratulations to our Band students and Mrs. Zerman for their outstanding performance at the festival.  Our participants came home with 8 Division 2 and 42 Division 1 medals!  This is outstanding! Again, congratulations to all of those that participated and Mrs. Zerman for her leadership. 

Lost and Found: The lost and found is completely overflowing. Please have your child check this as it will be cleaned up and donated within the next few weeks. 

Families Not Returning GLPS Next Year: If your student will not be returning to GLPS next year, please be sure to reach out to your building’s secretary.  At Beagle, please reach out to Meagan McMillan  If you have already made contact with appropriate secretaries across the district, you are all set. 

Students’ of the Week:  To view our Students’ of the Week, please click here  Please note that Students’ of the Week are updated to our website the Monday after receiving their certificate on Friday. 

Family Communication Archive: Please click here to review family communications (current and previous newsletters) sent to Beagle Families. 

District and Community News: To review district-wide and community news, please click here

Looking Ahead:

  • April 26th–Spring Formal Dance 6:30-8:30 pm
  • May 20th–Half-Day
  • May 27th–No School, Memorial Day
  • May 29-June 3rd–Washington DC Trip for participating 8th graders
  • May 29th–Lugnuts Trip–entire school, all 7th grade and 8th graders not attending DC Trip
  • June 14th–Last day of school, half day

Spring Testing Schedule:

  • 8th grade MSTEP Science–April 24/25
  • 7th grade MSTEP Math–May 1/2
  • 7th grade MSTEP ELA–May 8/9
  • NWEA Math–May 21 
  • NWEA ELA–May 28 (with organized break by hallway and snacks)

These are all of the updates that we wanted to pass along at this time.  Please reach out with any questions or concerns. 

Take care,

Dave and Kelly

Beagle January 10, 2025
Beagle December 13, 2024
Beagle December 6, 2024