Dear Beagle Middle School Parents, 

Here are some updates that we wanted to share at this time:

Tornado Warning: We thank our students and staff members for immediately executing our tornado warning/threat protocols on Wednesday afternoon; within two minutes our entire building was secured for the potential threat.  We also thank our parents and community members for their patience during this shelter-in-place as we cannot allow students out of the building during these circumstances.  During these circumstances, we do our best to use the text feature within PowerSchool to keep parents updated, but our first priority in communication is to our students and staff members using our Rave Alert application.  

Talent Show: Thank you to our parents and community members that came to our Beagle Middle School Talent Show on Tuesday evening.  We also thank our Comet Council members, performers, and Mrs. Pinckney for all of their hard work and efforts in creating this outstanding opportunity for our students and community.  

Social Media Presentations: This week, we invited members from Eaton RESA to speak with our 7th graders about responsible technology use; RESA members will return on Monday next week to meet with the rest of our 7th graders during CNC.  The presentation reiterated many of the same messages we provided to our entire student body during Student Support Presentations in September, so this was a great refresher for them presented by other adults. We thank ERESA for their support. 

Parent Communication Pilot: At the end of the second trimester, we solicited feedback from our families around teacher-to-family proactive communication.  We used this feedback to work with our School Leadership Team to create some cohesive systems to ensure parents are receiving communication from our teachers at least twice per month.  For the duration of this year, some teachers may be reaching out via email while other staff members are piloting a communication tool within PowerSchool where “Parent Communication” will show up within Parent Portal at the top of each class.  Some staff members may post information in this fashion right within PowerSchool/ParentPortal in an effort to cut down on the number of emails parents receive.  We are hoping to transition to this method completely next year for the aforementioned reasons. 

24K Semi-Formal Dance: The PTO sponsored Semi-formal Dance will take place on Friday, April 26th from 6:30 to 8:30pm for 7th and 8th graders. This is a semi-formal attire dance. Tickets will be sold for $15 during lunch on the 26th as well as at the door. We do need adult volunteers to help make this dance happen. Please sign up using the following link: Students must be picked up by a family member from the dance; students are not allowed to walk home from the dance to ensure their safety.   We encourage parents to use both the main and South parking lots to pick up students after the dance; staff will supervise the walkway to the South parking lot.  By using both of these parking lots and parking in an actual parking space, we can cut down on the traffic and congestion after the dance, especially in the pick-up loop.  Please communicate your pick-up plans with your student before the dance to also help expedite this process. 

8th Grade Washington DC Trip Parent Meeting: Important Fundraising Information:  Hanging Geranium Basket Forms and Money are due Tuesday, April 23rd.  Delivery will be Thursday, May 2nd from 3:30 - 5:30 pm at Beagle. PARENT MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY, MAY 6TH AT 6:00pm in the Beagle Cafeteria.  This is the one and only parent meeting for the D.C. trip, please try to make sure one parent/guardian attends.

Lugnuts Trip: Today in science classes students will receive a permission slip to attend the Lansing Lugnuts game on Wednesday, May 29th. The permission slip and money needs to be turned in by Monday, April 29th, this is an entire school field trip so please plan accordingly as students will be gone from approximately 9:15 am until 2:10 pm. More information is provided within the field trip permission slip. Thank you to our PTO and student fundraising this fall for bringing down the cost of the trip significantly. You can also access that permission slip here: Lansing Lugnuts School Days 2024.docx.pdf 

Career Day Support: One of our teacher committees have been planning a career day opportunity for our students on May 20th, which is a half day.  We are looking for presenters for this event.  If you are interested in presenting to our students about your career, then please fill out this form:  Please contact Mrs. Weaver with any questions 

Lost and Found: The lost and found is completely overflowing. Please have your child check this as it will be cleaned up and donated within the next few weeks. 

Students’ of the Week:  To view our Students’ of the Week, please click here  Please note that Students’ of the Week are updated on our website the Monday after receiving their certificate on Friday. 

Family Communication Archive: Please click here to review family communications (current and previous newsletters) sent to Beagle Families. 

District and Community News: To review district-wide and community news, please click here

Looking Ahead:

  • April 26th–Spring Formal Dance 6:30-8:30
  • May 20th–Half-Day
  • May 27th–No School, Memorial Day
  • May 29-June 3rd–Washington DC Trip for participating 8th graders
  • May 29th–Lugnuts Trip–entire school, all 7th grade and 8th graders not attending DC Trip
  • June 14th–Last day of school, half day

Spring Testing Schedule:

  • 8th grade MSTEP Science–April 24/25
  • 7th grade MSTEP Math–May 1/2
  • 7th grade MSTEP ELA–May 8/9
  • NWEA Math–May 21 
  • NWEA ELA–May 28 (with organized break by hallway and snacks)

These are all of the updates that we wanted to pass along at this time.  Please reach out with any questions or concerns. 

Take care,

Dave and Kelly

Beagle August 29, 2024
Beagle August 23, 2024
Beagle August 13, 2024