First Letter to Families in August

Hello Hayes Families!

We are excited to welcome you and your students into the 2024-25 school year! The first day of school is Tuesday, August 27 and it will be a full day of school.

Schedules/Class Lists

On the morning of August 19th, Hayes Intermediate student class information will be visible to families in PowerSchool. Students have been carefully placed into classes based on a variety of factors. At this point, class enrollments are very tight and movement among classes will be difficult, except for extraordinary circumstances.

Most 5th Grade students will be assigned to a homeroom as a part of a two person teaching team. Students will primarily rotate between the two classrooms for Math, ELA, Science, and Social Studies. Students will also have Specials (Physical Education, Technology, Music, and Art) and an Enrichment class at the end of the school day.

Most 6th Grade students will be assigned to a homeroom as a part of a four person teaching team. There is also one two person teaching team. Students will generally rotate among four classrooms for Math, ELA, Science, and Social Studies. In most cases, they will have either Specials or Band as a part of their schedule as well as an Enrichment class at the end of the school day.

If you need PowerSchool Parent Portal access, please contact the Hayes Main Office at 517-925-5740.

Hayes Preview Day

Hayes Preview Day will be August 20, 2024 from 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. & 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. This will be an opportunity for your child to pick up their schedule, tour the school, and practice opening their locker. Teachers may or may not be in attendance on this day. This is an extra opportunity for students new to Hayes to familiarize themselves with the school.

Hayes Open House

Hayes Open House will be Thursday August 22nd from 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. This will be an opportunity for your child to meet their teacher, learn their schedule, and familiarize themselves with our school and staff prior to the first day of school.

Main Office Open

The Hayes Office will open on Monday, August 12 for phone calls. Office hours are 7:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. until school begins for students. Once school begins for students, the office is staffed until 3:30 p.m.

School Hours

To alleviate morning carline congestion, students may be dropped off as early as 7:15 a.m. We will supervise them in the gym or the cafeteria until they are released to class at 7:30 a.m. If you can wait until 7:30 to drop them off, this is preferred. The wait in the gym or cafeteria can get boring. The school day starts with students at their desks by 7:40 a.m. The school day ends at 2:25 p.m.

School Supplies

Your student’s teaching team will communicate about school supply needs. For a list of recommended supplies, please click and click on “School Supply List.” If your family has school supply or clothing needs, please reach out to secretary Lisa Nelson at 517-925-5740 so we can make sure that your student starts school fully equipped.

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

We have an outstanding joint PTO with the Beagle Middle building! Our PTO has provided several incredible opportunities for our students, staff, and facilities over the past few years.  This work is accomplished through the support of our community and family members.  We always encourage our family members to attend our PTO meetings whether it's one time, intermittently, or consistently--all participation is helpful and impactful to our school culture and benefits our children.  Here are some important updates from our PTO:

The first meeting of the year will be Tuesday, September 10 at 6:30pm in the Beagle Media Center or you can attend the first meeting virtually at

Stay connected with PTO news and events:

Hayes Stock the Lounge link:


Hayes Intermediate School is scheduled to begin construction during the 2024-25 school year, with completion scheduled for August 2025. The construction will focus primarily on security and safety upgrades as well as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning updates.  Additionally, there are plans to construct a safer driveway. While most of the construction will take place during the summer of 2025, some projects will start during the school year. Specific timetables and any impacts to the overall flow of the building will be announced before they are to happen.

Please do not hesitate to contact the office at 517-925-5740 if you have any questions. We are looking forward to meeting your family!

Looking Ahead:

August 20 - Hayes Preview Day 12-3 and 4-7

August 22 - Hayes Open House 4:30-6

August 27 - First Day of School (Full Day)

August 30 - No School (Friday before Labor Day)

September 2 - No School (Labor Day)

Take care,

Eric and Scott

Eric Leopold, Principal

Scott Millbrook, Assistant Principal

Hayes Intermediate School

February 14, 2025 Newsletter
February 7th, 2025 Newsletter
January 31, 2025 Newsletter