August 27, 2023


Dear Hayes Intermediate School Families,

We hope that your families are recovering from the challenging events from the past several days. We are eagerly anticipating the coming week and welcoming students back into the school. Teachers have been busily setting up classrooms and the custodial and maintenance crews have done a phenomenal job of cleaning up, including a fresh coat of paint in the cafeteria. Here is some information to know for this week.

Optional Hayes Intermediate Open House - August 29th - 4:30-6:00 PM
During this event, families are invited to come to the school to, again, find out who their student’s homeroom teacher will be, walk the hallways, and learn the location of their student’s classrooms while also meeting their homeroom teacher! We expect this event to be well attended and know that parking will be a challenge. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding while navigating the congestion on Nixon Road, in the parking lot, and in the hallways.

Class Placements
Student classes, including Homerooms and Enrichment classes have been available in PowerSchool since August 23rd. Changes to class assignments are not possible. Classes are very full and any change would result in a domino effect. We often hear concerns that students are not in classes with their friend groups. It is healthy for students at this age to regularly explore new friendships. Placing students in new situations helps them expand their base of acquaintances. Students will also be able to mix with other classes during lunch, recess, enrichments, and some specials.

Breakfast and Lunch
All students will be offered FREE breakfast and lunch this school year. Each student is able to get one free breakfast and one free lunch. If a student wishes to take another portion of breakfast or lunch, they will be charged for the extra meal. That said, we encourage ALL families, regardless of income, to complete and submit a short, confidential school meal application to ensure continued eligibility for programs that are normally available for families who qualify.

Arrival Tips for Parent Drop Off
In order to make the drop off process more safe and efficient, we have some tips to share. Drop off will start at 7:20 AM, when the cafeteria opens for breakfast. Please keep students in your vehicle until they may enter the school at 7:20AM. They will go directly to the gym and wait to be dismissed to their classes at 7:30.

There are two traffic lanes to enter the parking lot. 

map showing traffic flow in the hayes intermediate school parking lot

Southbound traffic can turn left into the parking lot creating a second lane of traffic. They will immediately turn left, forming a line behind the rows of parked cars in the lot. Students will be dropped off at the crosswalk and signaled by an adult when it is safe to cross.

Northbound traffic will turn right into the parking lot creating a line as they enter, staying along the right hand curb. The important detail is to have drivers pull all the way forward allowing as many cars in the parking lot as possible. Two lines of traffic inside the parking lot will provide additional space for cars to be out of the road.

Pull as far forward as possible in order to maximize the number of cars that can fit into the parking lot. (See map with diagram) We need to utilize the entire length of the school building to allow as many cars as possible into the parking lot and off the road. 

  • Students should exit on the passenger side of the vehicle.
  • Please stay in a single file line as it can be dark and visibility is limited. If cars attempt to pass it creates dangerous situations. 
  • All students will enter at either the main entrance or the entrance at the north end of the building.

Please note: School begins promptly at 7:40AM. We highly recommend that students are dropped off no later than 7:35AM

Dismissal Tips for Parent Pick-Up

We will be working with the students using our PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) Lessons to help reinforce what strategies to use during pick up that are safe and help the process become more efficient.

Students will be waiting in a consistent area of the school for their parents to arrive. Depending on the location of their classroom, parents should be able to visually locate their child in the same location each day. 

Pick up in the afternoon will generally be light out so we will not have to contend with low visibility, for this reason a single file line is not necessary. After picking up your child you may check behind you and when it is clear, continue moving throughout the parking lot at a low speed

Cell  Phones
Students will not need to have a cell phone at school. If a child does bring a cell phone to school, we ask that the child keep it turned off and in their locker throughout the school day. If a student needs to contact someone, this should be done through the school phones from either the office or classroom. If you need to contact your child, please call the office (925-5740) and the message will be delivered to your child.

Buses and Cards
Students who will be riding the bus to and/or from school will need to use their ID card to scan onto the bus. Students will be able to get their cards from their Homeroom teacher. We know there is an App that students can have on their phones, but the ID card is actually faster and we do not want phones out for safety reasons when students are walking to and from the buses. 

Looking Ahead
August 29th - 4:30-6:00 PM - Hayes Intermediate Open House
August 30th - 7:40 AM - 10:40 AM - First Day of School (Half Day)
August 31st - 7:40 AM - 2:20 PM - 2nd Day of School (Full Day)
September 1st-September 4th - No School - Labor Day Weekend
September 14 - School Pictures/PTO Fundraiser Begins

Take care,

Eric and Scott

Eric Leopold


Hayes Intermediate School


Scott Millbrook

Assistant Principal

Hayes Intermediate School

January 31, 2025 Newsletter
January 24, 2025 Newsletter
January 17th, 2025 Newsletter