Delta Center Elementary Newsletter

305 S. Canal Rd. Lansing, MI 48917 | Office 517-925-5540 | Fax 517-925-5579 | Attendance 517-925-5581 |
Friday, February 28th, 2025
Upcoming Dates
Mar. 7 Half Day - Dismissal time 12:10 pm
Mar. 11 Conferences 5:00 - 8:00 pm
Mar. 13 Conferences 5:00 - 8:00 pm
Mar. 18 Conferences 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Mar. 19 PTO Meeting 6:30 Library
Mar. 21 - 28 SPRING BREAK
March 31 No Students - Teacher P.D.
May 23 No Students - Teacher P.D.
May 26 No Students - Memorial Day
June 6 Last Day / HALF Day - Dismissal time 12:10 pm
School Hours 8:55 am - 3:55 pm
Please do not drop off before 8:40 am
Pick up no later than 4:05 pm
Please call before 3:00 pm if you have a transportation change
Thank you!
From Our Principal
As I mentioned last week, during Winter Data Analysis we set short-term goals between now and the spring; below are the new goals set by each grade level. Remember, you play an integral role in your child's learning as well. Continue to partner with your child's teacher on ways to support their day-to-day learning.
Reading: By Spring data analysis, students will go from 44% to 47% of students at benchmark or above for language and writing NWEA.
Math: By Spring data analysis, students will go from 63% to 66% of students at benchmark or above for Numbers and Operations in Math NWEA.
First Grade
Reading: By Spring data analysis, 54% of our students will score at or above benchmark on ORF on Acadience.
Math: By Spring Data Analysis our students will go from 34% to 39% core as measured by NWEA.
Second Grade
Reading: By spring data analysis, students will go from 49% to 52% at core as measured by NWEA growth and Achievement.
Math: By Spring Data Analysis, students will go from 50% to 53% at core in the area of number and operations as measured by NWEA growth and Achievement.
Third Grade
Reading: By Spring data analysis, 48% of students will score at or above benchmark on NWEA.
Math: By winter data analysis, 36% of students will be at or above core in the area of numbers and operations on the Spring NWEA assessment.
Fourth Grade
Reading: By Spring Data Analysis, 60% of our students will be at or above proficient.
Math: By the Spring Data Analysis, 59% of students will be at or above core on Math NWEA.
Behavior goals for all students: Using the SEL screener data, by Spring Data Analysis, students will maintain 80% or higher of students meeting behavior expectations as measured by PowerSchool Behavior Incident Reports (BIRs).
Maintaining a positive learning environment is our top priority. When students struggle with behavior, we provide interventions such as additional adult support, structured check-ins, and individualized plans. Our Student Support Team meets weekly to assess progress and adjust strategies as needed. This process includes classroom observations, interventions, and progress monitoring over four to six weeks, ensuring tailored support. We also maintain open communication with families to foster collaboration. If a student violates our code of conduct, we follow a progressive approach, from re-teaching and restorative sessions to possible disciplinary actions. In cases of threats, we conduct a full assessment, led by Safety Student Supervisor Chris Chester, involving law enforcement as needed. Our ultimate goal is to cultivate a positive school experience that nurtures academic, social, and behavioral growth. Thank you for your support.
Parent / teacher conferences are coming soon! Conferences will be in person March 11th and March 13th from 5:00 - 8:00 pm, and will be virtual March 18th from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. Only one conference per family due to time restraints. Please use this link to sign up. Thank you.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Teresa Dyer
February Students of the Month

Olivia Benson, Rosalie Shoemaker, June Klingbiel, Katrina Zeineh, Esabella Cisernos, Lorelei Smith, Peyton Zellinger, Avery Tropf, Avya Jackson, Venba Meenal Rajaguru, Ansel Smith, Savanna Jarous, Ella Drummond, Sawyer Jaworski, Olivia Hicks, Nash Inman, Anahleigh Schmidt, Lawson Service, Gabriel Johnson, Antonio Albarez, and Scarlett Herrst

Our Reading Month Spirit Days start NEXT WEEK!!!

CORRECTED DATE!! Our Glow Party is coming up soon! February 28st from 6- 8 pm. Please click here if you would like to sign up to help out at the party!! Thank you!

Hello DC families!
The Literati book fair is coming the week of March 10 th . I am looking for parent
volunteers to help me run the second cash register. If you are interested, please take a
look at the sign up genius and select a timeframe. Literati’s cash register is very user
friendly. If you have not volunteered before, you can come at the start of your shift (or a
little before) and shadow me or the other volunteer before taking over. Literati also
gives volunteers a 20% discount should you choose to do some shopping. Thank you
for considering! Volunteer at The Glow Party
Additional Information: The book fair is available for students to shop during school hours. If you send money to school, please be sure to send enough to cover the cost of sales tax. I can send change home in Ziplock bags.
Student-Only Shopping hours: Monday 3/10 - Thursday 3/13 from 9:30am-Noon and 1:00pm-3:30pm
Friday 3/14: Shopping 9:30 to Noon.
*The fair is closing at Noon to tear the fair down and reset the library.
Teacher Wish List Table: Don’t forget to stop by the teacher wish list table during the two family shopping nights
(Tues 3/11 and Thursday 3/13) to purchase and gift a teacher a book to their
classroom library.
Online Fair: If you are not able to shop at the in-person fair, our online store is available to shop as
well. Shop online for thousands of additional titles and products (school still gets
credit!). Online Book Fair
If you have questions, please email me: GEEC@GLCOMETS.NET
See you at the fair!
Mrs. Gee

Additional Office News
Updating Student Contact Information
Click this link to update your address, name, phone number, email, emergency contacts, medical updates.
To change an address we need two proofs of residency. These are the only forms that we can accept.
*Property Tax Statement (the taxes you pay on your home twice a year)
*Lease/Rental Agreement (with your name, the address, and the signature pages sign by both the lessee and lessor)
*Utility Bill
*Mortgage/Home Closing Documents
*Cable/Internet Bill
*Home/Renter's Insurance
Driver's licenses and voter registration cards are NOT acceptable for this purpose
You can email the documents to or
If you have questions please contact our office at 517-925-5540.
Volunteering & Chaperoning
Persons wishing to volunteer for Grand Ledge Public Schools are required to complete the Volunteer Registration Form and be approved prior to serving as a volunteer. All volunteers MUST check in at the office to receive a BADGE prior to proceeding to any other area on school property. Please visit District Volunteer Application to complete the process.
Lost and Found
The lost and found is located near the gym. If your student is missing something, please have them check the lost and found. Labeling clothing/items will also help us to return things to students. Thank you!
Delta Center PTO
Our PTO provides support for teachers, academic materials for students, and fun activities for students and families. We are in need of volunteers to continue to run!
Please see below our meeting schedule for this school year and a list of our members. We would love to have you join us. We have free childcare during the meetings!

What is a makerspace ? It is a place where students can build, create, innovate, and explore with tools and STEM based activities. The goal is to be able to provide this learning experience to ALL of our students.Any questions please reach out to Brooke Ward.
We are looking for parent volunteers to help run
makerspace on Monday’s during lunch recess!
Physical Education News

If you would like to help with P.E. equipment, please use this link
We apprecitate your generosity!
Mrs. Watters
Delta Center PE Teacher
District & Community News
- Feb. is National African American History Month
- Feb. is Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month
- Feb. is National Children’s Dental Health Month
- Feb. 24 - 28 » Public Schools Week
- Feb. 28 » Ramadan begins at sundown
- Feb. 28 » Rare Disease Day
- Mar. is Reading Month
- Mar. is Women’s History Month
- Mar. is Music in Our Schools Month
- Mar. is Youth Art Month
- Mar. is Middle Level Education Month
- Mar. is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
- Mar. is National Social Work Month
- Mar. is National Nutrition Month
- Mar. is American Red Cross Month
- Mar. 1 » Zero Discrimination Day
- Mar. 2-8 » National Foreign Language Week
- Mar. 2-8 » National School Social Work Week
- Mar. 3 » National Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Day
- Mar. 3-7 » National School Breakfast Week
- Mar. 3 - Apr. 19 » Orthodox Lent
- Mar. 4 » Mardi Gras
- Mar. 5 » Ash Wednesday
- Mar. 5 - Apr. 17 » Lent
- Mar. 8 » International Women’s Day
- Mar. 9 » Daylight Saving Time begins
- Mar. 9-15 » Girl Scout Week
- Mar. 10 » International Day of Women Judges
- Mar. 13-14 » Purim
- Mar. 14 » Holi
- Mar. 15 » International Day to Combat Islamophobia
- Mar. 16-22 » National Poison Prevention Week
- Mar. 17 » St. Patrick’s Day
- Mar. 17 - 23 » Neurodiversity Celebration Week
- Mar. 17-23 » Severe Weather Awareness Week
- Mar. 18 » National Agriculture Day
- Mar. 20 » First Day of Spring
- Mar. 20 » Ostara
- Mar. 20 » International Day of Happiness
- Mar. 21 » International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
- Mar. 21 » World Down Syndrome Day
- Mar. 21 » International Nowruz Day
- Mar. 21-27 Week of Solidarity with the People Struggling against Racial Discrimination
- Mar. 22 » World Water Day
- Mar. 24 » International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims
- Mar. 25 » International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade
- Mar. 31 » Eid-al-Fitr
Is something missing? Please share with John Ellsworth, GLPS Director of Communications, any additional Recognitions & Acknowledgments you think we should include on this list or upcoming lists – email him at
Delta Township District Library
The Michigan Department of Education wants to provide students the opportunity to say positive things about their teachers, so they know they’re appreciated. We’ll feature the videos on MDE platforms during May for Teacher Appreciation Month! Help students submit their videos to us!
Click HERE to learn more about the Michigan Teacher Appreciation Video Project.
Wireless Emergency Alert & Statewide Tornado Drill, Mar 19
ALERT! This is a reminder. GLPS Supervisor of Student Safety Chris Chester is reminding you that on Wednesday. March 19, 2025, there will be a wireless emergency alert test and a statewide tornado drill that GLPS is participating in. ALERT! This is a reminder.

BE PREPARED, part of Severe Weather Week, Mar 17-23
GLPS Supervisor of Student Safety Chris Chester is sharing information from the Michigan State Police's MIREADY program – MICHIGAN.GOV/MIREADY – in preparation for Severe Weather Week. MIREADY has FEMA posters about being prepared for a flood; take a look.