Congratulations Delta Center Families! Because of your generosity, we exceeded our goal and have raised $28,880! Congratulations to the top five teams: Team McCardell at $1,770, Team Fox at $1,820, Team Borgman at $1,965, Team Ward at $2,205, and Team Surace at $2,725. Among other prizes, top student earners will silly string a staff member on Friday, October 27th!
A child’s success in school is dependent on consistent attendance including being present at the start of school through the end of the day. We are experiencing many students who arrive late, leave early, or miss school entirely. We understand there are circumstances that occur and cannot be avoided; however chronic tardiness and absences mean students miss critical instruction. Late arrivals and early dismissals are an interruption in your child’s and their peers’ daily routine and learning in the classroom. Excessive tardies and absences will be reported to our truancy officer. Thank you.
To help keep our students safe, please follow our guidelines and directions during drop-off and pick-up. The previous entrance from Canal is no longer available for use, please refrain from parking in this area. I appreciate your cooperation.
Our Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled from 5:00-8:00 PM on Monday, November 6th & Thursday, November 9th, and on Friday, November 10th from 12:00-4:00 PM. Our teachers look forward to productive conversations about your child's progress and our year-long goals. Monday and Thursday night conferences will be held IN PERSON in classrooms. Friday afternoon conferences will be held VIRTUALLY via ZOOM. Please sign up for an appointment time to meet with your child’s teacher. Parent Teacher Conferences Link:
As always, if you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Teresa Dyer