Student Supply Lists
2nd Grade Supply List
Holbrook Elementary 2nd Grade Supply List 2024-2025:
- 1 box 24-count crayons*
- 1 pencil box*
- 1 pair of scissors*
- 1 box of markers and/or colored pencils (optional)*
- headphones* - prefer Sony MDR- ZX100 (no earbuds please)
- 2 glue sticks
- 2 yellow Sharpie brand highlighters
- 2 boxes of Ticonderoga pencils (preferable sharpened)
- 4 black thin tip Expo markers
- Bulk size non-perishable snacks (for students that forget their snacks)
- 2-4 boxes of tissues
- Water bottle with squeeze or straw top (no open mouth bottles)
If your family is willing and able, our classroom would benefit from gallon sized and snack size zip lock baggies (feel free to purchase one of the two options).
Class donations of the following items are appreciated!
- Astro bright paper packs
- Colored or white card stock paper packs
- Extra headphones
*These items can be labeled with your child’s name.
3rd Grade Supply List
Holbrook Elementary Suggested 3rd Grade Supply List 2024-2025
- 2 Composition notebooks (not spiral bound)
- Sharpened #2 pencils (at least 12)
- Pencil Sharpener (manual with shaving container)
- Crayola Crayons- 2 boxes of 24 crayons
- Crayola Colored Pencils - 2 boxes of 12 count
- Crayola Markers- 2 boxes - 8-pack of basic colors, fine or broad tipped
- 1-2 two-pocket folders (heavy plastic is preferred)
- Dry Erase markers - 5 or more fine-point, black only
- Highlighter markers (2+) fine or fat tipped, any color
- Scissors
- Glue sticks (6 or more)
- Pencil pouch to hold personal items – must fit inside desk drawer
- Erasers-pencil topper or other style
- Deck of playing cards and plastic soap container or plastic crayon box to hold the cards
- Boxes of tissues*
- Disinfecting Wipes*
*- If you are able and willing to purchase