Hayes Intermediate 5/6 School

Welcome to Hayes Intermediate

As you know, Grand Ledge is a PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) district. We want all people who enter the building to know what is valued and if someone needs help understanding, we want to provide support in a positive manner. Since all students are now coming together in the district for their 5th and 6th grade years, we use Comet PRIDE as our acronym. Our expectations will be that all individuals are:

Positive       Respectful       Inclusive       Determined        Empathetic

Hours of the school day

Start of Day Time:  7:40 AM

End of Day Release Time:    2:25 PM

Half Day Release Time:   10:45 AM

Please do not drop off your student before 7:15 AM. The doors will open at 7:15 AM.

Office  Hours

7:00 am - 3:15 pm

Phone: 517-925-5740
Fax: 517-925-5772

Over the past couple of weeks construction has begun on the Hayes Intermediate campus. By August 2025, Hayes is scheduled to have new driveways and parking lots (to improve traffic safety and efficiency), a secure entrance (to improve safety), more interior classroom space (to eliminate the portable), and heating/AC/roof upgrades.

The main entrance of the school will be through Door #19 (near the existing Student Services office). Signs will help guide the way to the new (temporary) entrance. 

Click the button below to update your address, name, phone number, email, emergency contacts, medical updates.

 Change form

To change an address we need two proofs of residency. These are the only forms that we can accept.

  • Property Tax Statement (the taxes you pay on your home twice a year) 
  • Lease/Rental Agreement  (with your name, the address, and the signature pages sign by both the lessee and lessor)
  • Utility Bill
  • Mortgage/Home Closing Documents 
  • Cable/Internet Bill
  • Home/Renter's Insurance

Driver's licenses and voter registration cards are NOT acceptable for this purpose 

You can email the documents to quagliatap@glcomets.net

f you have questions please contact our office at 517-925-5740 


We keep track of all illness for the Barry Eaton Health Dept. If your child is going to be tardy please let us know what their choice for lunch is before 8:15 am. Thank you!

If your child will be absent for more than 3 days please fill out this form and return it to Hayes Office or email HAAttendance@glcomets.net.

There are several ways to report an absence at Hayes. When using any of the options below please include the following information; Child's full name, homeroom teacher and the reason for their absences.  

Online Attendance Reporting: 

You can use the online portal at ps.glcomets.net. Once you have logged in, select “Attendance Monitor” from the left navigation menu. Then, click “Report New Attendance.” After you have entered the date, reason, and explanation, click Submit. For more detailed instructions, please use the Parent Attendance Portal Directions . Please note: online attendance reporting is not available in the app; it is only available on the website.

You may continue to email HAAttendance@glcomets.net or call the attendance line at 517-925-5333.  

Important information about the attendance policy:

The absence limit for the school year is five full days before attendance letters follow. Because we must follow State law and we are held accountable by the State for students being present in school on a regular basis, we will follow our county-wide protocol in notifying families of students that exceed the five absence limit, explained or unexplained, this school year via email with attendance letters that are sent in a progressive fashion. As parents, we understand that students become ill and they may miss multiple school days. If this is the case, please be sure to obtain a doctor’s note regarding your student’s illness/treatment plan and provide this note to our secretaries immediately following your student’s absence. Medically documented absences are coded differently than absences explained or unexplained. 

If you plan to volunteer or need to enter the building for an extended period of time, including chaperoning for the upcoming dance party, please fill out this application. This is REQUIRED when coming to volunteer in our building. It takes a couple of days for the background check to be completed, so please plan accordingly based on your volunteering schedule

         Bus drop off and pick up:

The students that use the Grand Ledge buses will all be dropped off at the north end of the building. The buses will be lined up at the end of the day for the students to get on the buses to go home.


Students will be asked to wait in the gymnasium until school  starts.  If your student would like  breakfast they will start in the Cafe.

Families arriving from the south will turn right into the parking lot, staying on the right side of the lane, and drop their students near the front door. Students should exit from the passenger side of the car.

Families arriving from the north will make an immediate left to drive in the outer Hayes lot. Proceed to the crosswalk and the students will be signaled by an adult to cross on the crosswalk to the building.

         Picking up a student during school hours:

           Our staff will not call students to the office to leave for the day until the person picking them up has                       shown their ID and has signed them out. Please plan accordingly for appointments and give yourself a                   few extra minutes. Additionally please make sure your students' contact information is up to date. If                       someone comes to pick up your student  but they are not on your student emergency contact list we will             not allow your student to be signed out by that person.


5th grade - Families will enter the parking lot from the south or the north.  North will make an immediate left to drive in the outer Hayes lot. Students will be directed to use the crosswalk by an adult.  Exit the parking area using the exit lanes in the center of the Hayes parking lot.

6th grade - Families may pick up your students at the back carline if you choose.

Please continue to use caution and be vigilant for pedestrians in the parking lot and behind the school. Please use low speeds at all times in the Hayes parking lot. Thank you so much!

Hayes Parking Lot directions

                     Front Drop off and Pick UP


  • March 12th: Popcorn Day
  • March 18th: GL Vocal Arts Day
  • March 19th: 3rd Annual Talent Show
  • March 19th: Statewide Tornado Drill and Wireless Emergency Alert Test
  • March 21st-31st:NO SCHOOL - Spring Break and Teacher PD
  • April 1st: Classes Resume
  • May 23rd: NO SCHOOL - Teacher PD
  • May 26th: NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day

Hayes Talent Show



March 14, 2025
March 7, 2025 Newsletter
February 28, 2025 Newsletter
February 21, 2025 Newsletter

Comets' Actions for Success

January - Empathetic
December - Determined
November - Inclusive

Growing Friendships and Second Step: 

One of the most exciting aspects of Hayes Intermediate is that 5th Grade is the first opportunity for all Grand Ledge students around the same age in the same school. To that end, one of the things important to us is that all students feel included and have the opportunity to make friends. To help with that, all of our 5th Grade homerooms and some of the 6th Grade homerooms are going through a book called Growing Friendships. For the next couple of weeks, teachers will be talking with students about how to Reach Out, Find Common Ground, and Take It Slow as students make new friends. Additionally, we are teaching a new program here at Hayes called Second Step. The program's goal is to help children develop skills that will help them succeed in school and become productive adults while also identifying and preventing bullying.

Hayes Intermediate School

12620 Nixon Rd
 Grand Ledge, MI 48837
 Phone: 517-925-5740

Fax: 517-925-5772

Find Us 

Map to Hayes Intermediate School

Hayes Intermediate Administation

Eric Leopold
Scott Millbrook
Assistant Principal
Sally Rickstad
Dean of Students
Michelle LeBlanc
Whitney Lozon
Lisa Nelson
Pauline Quagliata