Graduation Requirement Checklist
Michigan Merit Curriculum
The Michigan Merit Curriculum is the result of an extraordinary partnership between Executive Branch, State Board of Education, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Legislature and numerous education associations. MCL 380.1278a, MCL 380.1278b
The Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) is crafted around the philosophical belief that all students will need postsecondary learning opportunities beyond high school. It is not a curriculum in the traditional sense in that it doesn't describe instructional material and approaches. Instead it specifies that all students who earn a diploma, at a minimum, have demonstrated proficiency with the content outlined by the state academic standards or guidelines. since districts are responsible for awarding diplomas so too are they responsible for providing all students the opportunity to learn the content outlined by standards. As the learning skills for college and the workplace have merged, the MMC, if properly implemented, will prepare students with skills and knowledge needed to be successful in our global economy and workplace.