Grade Level Information

Student/Counseling Services has provided specific grade level information for students and parents including course selection, college preparation, career planning, and standardized testing.

The most important thing in 9th grade is to earn the highest grade in each class possible. Because students are building their high school grade point average (GPA) and these grades are recorded on their permanent high school transcript, it is essential that students do their best.

Begin logging volunteer work—whether it be Relay for Life, coaching in the summer, or projects through youth group, these experiences will be very beneficial when applying for scholarships or writing college essays. Also include any awards, academic enrichment programs, summer workshops, and camps with specialty focuses such as music, arts and science.

Have your child meet with the counselor and make sure that he or she is enrolled in college-preparatory courses, and is on track for Advanced Placement. The counselor can also assist with career planning and college exploration.

Get involved in extracurricular activities to help develop time-management and enrich the school experience.

If possible, take advantage of vacation or other family travel opportunities to visit colleges and see what they’re like. Even if there is no interest in attending the college you are visiting, it will help you and your child learn what to look for in a college.

Visit for some reasons to consider college and ways you can get help.

Career and College Readiness

Choosing and planning for a career is one of the most important things Comets can do during their time in high school. Below are several links to help students and their families plan.

Educational Development Plans (EDP): Career Cruising

All Comets in grades 7-12 have a student Career Cruising account that houses their Educational Development Plans. Students use this account to:

  • conduct learning styles, interest, and skills assessments
  • explore and save favorite career options
  • explore and save post-secondary training plans
  • explore the annual college planning timeline
  • build resume/portfolio content by documenting their hobbies, interest, skills, abilities, volunteer work, extracurricular and work experience, and awards
  • schedule GLHS courses

To access your EDP (Educational Development Plan): Log into PowerSchool Student Account and click the arrow hyperlink in the upper right-hand corner, then click “Sign into Career Cruising”.

Students and parents are welcome to access this account anytime. Students will update information annually at school, but are encouraged to actively use this account throughout the school year and summer to update their resume and portfolio content.

Important Things for Sophomores to Know:

Stay focused on your grades and be sure you know your Grade Point Average (GPA).  Remember that each high school course you take will be listed on your transcript along with the grade you receive in each course.  Your transcript is one of four primary sources of data that colleges will use to determine your eligibility for admission.  Colleges want to see that you chose to take rigorous courses and that you earned good grades in those courses. The other three important sources of data colleges will look for are your ACT (or SAT) score, your extracurricular activities, and your personal statement.
Make up lost credit now if necessary.  If you have lost credit in one or more courses, you should speak to your counselor as soon as possible about when and how to make up that credit.  Once a student loses more than three credits, he/she is considered to be NOT on track for graduation.  GLHS offers several ways to recover lost credit - see your counselor soon to get yourself back on track to graduate with your class.

Get involved!  It is important to get involved with at least one or two clubs or activities inside or outside of school. You will have fun connecting with others who have similar interests.  You may also (hopefully) have an opportunity to take a leadership role within those organizations- something colleges will look upon favorably.

Consider taking the PSAT exam in April.  It is good practice to sit for the PSAT exam this year, even though you cannot qualify for the National Merit Scholarship awards until your junior year.  

  • Receive feedback on your strengths and weaknesses on skills necessary for college study. You can then focus your preparation on those areas that could most benefit from additional study or practice.
  • See how your performance on an admissions test might compare with that of others applying to college.
  • Enter the competition for scholarships from NMSC (grade 11).
  • Help prepare for the SAT. You can become familiar with the kinds of questions and the exact directions you will see on the SAT.
  • Receive information from colleges when you check "yes" to Student Search Service.
  • See your counselor for more information about registering for the PSAT.

Choose 10th and 11th grade courses carefully.  Remember that rigor is important. You also want to choose courses that are related to your future career goals if possible.
Start researching careers and colleges online.  An excellent resource, visit Xello through PowerSchool.                       
Start visiting colleges!  It’s never too early to start visiting college campuses.  Be sure to call the admissions office of the college prior to your visit, as there may be a special event or group tour taking place around the time you plan to be there.  You will also probably learn more about the college if you have the opportunity to meet with someone from the admissions office.  Even if you think you know where you want to attend college, it is still a good idea to explore all of your options by visiting schools with small, medium-sized and large student populations.
Attend the Eaton RESA Career Prep Center @ Lansing Communithy College Visitation Day in December.  You have an incredible opportunity to attend the Career Preparation Center as a junior and/or senior!  See your counselor or visit their website to discover the many programs LCC has to offer. The application deadline is in February. 

Career and College Readiness

Choosing and planning for a career is one of the most important things Comets can do during their time in high school. Below are several links to help students and their families plan.

Educational Development Plans (EDP): Xello

All Comets in grades 7-12 have a student Career Cruising account that houses their Educational Development Plans. Students use this account to:

  • conduct learning styles, interest, and skills assessments
  • explore and save favorite career options
  • explore and save post-secondary training plans
  • explore the annual college planning timeline
  • build resume/portfolio content by documenting their hobbies, interest, skills, abilities, volunteer work, extracurricular and work experience, and awards
  • schedule GLHS courses

To access your EDP (Educational Development Plan): Log into PowerSchool Student Account and click the arrow hyperlink in the upper right-hand corner, then click “Sign into Xello”.

Students and parents are welcome to access this account anytime. Students will update information annually at school, but are encouraged to actively use this account throughout the school year and summer to update their resume and portfolio content.

1st Trimester
  • Check the announcements for college admissions and meet with the representatives during lunch that are visiting.
  • Start visiting colleges on the weekends.
  • Study for the PSAT NMSQT to try and become a National Merit Scholar. This test is in October. 
  • Make sure your PSAT scores are linked in your khan academy account. If you do not know how to do this make an appointment with your counselor.
  • Attend A College and Career Fair Night. 
  • Sign up for a practice SAT/ACT workshops. 
  • If you are planning on playing sports in college, review the NCAA/NAIA eligibility requirements
  • Make sure you work hard to achieve the best grades possible. Remember you apply to college after your 11th grade year.
2nd Trimester
  • Review your PSAT score with your counselor. Prepare for upcoming SAT/ACT tests.
  • Study for the SAT.  LINK your Khan Academy account to your College Board account for ta personalized test prep program
  • Research colleges and universities; review their entrance requirements and grade point average guidelines.
  • Explore career options: College, Military, and Technical Training.
  • Apply to the  ERESA Career Prep Center at Lansing Community College  and make an appointment with your counselor to ensure your will be meeting your graduation requirements if you participate in this program.
  • Visit the Eaton RESA Career Preparation Center at LCC West Campus in December. If you are interested in a program return the application and your Grand Ledge High School driving form to your counselor in early February.  
  • Review your transcript with your high school counselor.
3rd Trimester
  • Review your transcript with your counselor to ensure you are meeting the Michigan Merit Curriculum requirements and plan your classes for your senior year. 
  • Learn your college program requirements.
  • Sign up for a dual enrollment course for your senior year.
  • Sign up to test out of a class.
  • Sign up for summer school in May.
  • Ask your teachers for letters of recommendation. 
Summer before your senior year
  • Fill out the Senior information form and turn it into your counselor.  Forms are available in Student Services.
  • If you are playing sports in college, register with the NCAA eligibility center. 
  • Job Shadow
  • Send in your college applications after your transcript is ready.
  • Visit Colleges
  • Attend summer school if you need to make up credits or take a correspondence course.
  • Research scholarships.



Remember this Year to...

 Update your Educational Development Plan (EDP) on Xello. Access Xello through your Powerschool account and click the box with the arrow located in the upper right hand corner.

Senior Calendar of Events


Letters of Recommendation

Letters of Recommendation - Complete the form and allow up to 2 weeks for your letter

Complete your FAFSA

Senior Meeting - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2025  8:05am in the Auditorium


Cap and Gown Orders

Cap and Gown Orders are due Friday, November 15, 2024.

Please see Mrs. VandenBosch, in Student Services, if you have any questions or concerns.



Senior Hour

Interested in a Senior Hour or Early Graduation meet with your Counselor




Tuesday, April 22 1:07pm (During C3) Spring Senior Meeting in the Auditorium

Dr. Wright will present information regarding year end requirements, Senior Recognition Ceremony, year end events, and graduation.

Wednesday, April 23  During Both Lunches  Graduation Order Pick-Up

Representatives from Jostens will be outside the main office between the math hallways during both lunches for graduation order pick-up.

Friday, April 25 9:45am-10:45am Decision Day Celebration

All Seniors are invited to the main lobby to place their names on our banners to indicate their choice of college, career, or armed forces.

Wear your t-shirt, sweatshirt, or employer logo to indicate your decision.

Join us for a piece of cake to celebrate your accomplishment!!


Sunday, May 4  2:00pm-4:00pm  Prom 4U  Hidden Creek Farms  

Monday, May 5  6:00pm-9:00pm      Senior Oscars   GLHS Auditorium

Oscars is a fun event where students are given mock awards by their peers.

Doors open at 5:30.  Show starts at 6:00. Admission is $5.00

parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Friday, May 9  7:00pm-10:00pm    Jr. Sr Prom at Eagle Eye Banquet Center

Friday, May 16  Deadline for Senior Slide Show for Graduation

Seniors and parents may submit photos for the senior slide show to be shown during the graduation ceremony.

Send photos to

Photos must be of GLHS seniors only.

No individual photos.  Submit groups of 2 or more.

All photos must be school appropriate. 

May 19-May 22  Return all Books and Technology to the Media Center     

Return all your GLPS equipment and library materials to the media center by the end of the week.


May 19-May 22   Clean Out Lockers

Lockers must be completely cleaned out by the end of the week.

Do not litter! There will be extra waste containers in the hallways.

Please Recycle!!

Wednesday, May 21   Senior Wrap-Up Day

Return all your technology equipment and library materials to the Media Center by the end of the day.  

Completely clean out your locker by the end of the day.

Wednesday, May 21 8:30pm  Senior Sunset  Grand Ledge Community Stadium

Thursday, May 22 8:30am-10:30am   Senior Recognition Ceremony-High School Auditorium

All Seniors are invited to participate.  Parents are invited to attend. 

Seniors who wish to participate must complete an Accomplishment Card.

Cards will be in Student Services, after the Senior Meeting, and need to be returned by May 13, 2024.

Graduation gowns and collars are worn at this ceremony.  Do not bring or wear your cap.

Be in the new gym by 8:00am.

Seniors who choose to NOT participate in this ceremony need to go to class.

Thursday, May 22 11:00am-1:00pm   Senior Celebration  Grand Ledge Community Stadium

Senior Yearbooks will be distributed at the stadium.

Thursday, May 22, 2025  Last Day of School for Class of 2025

Congratulations Seniors!!!


Friday, June 6  7:00pm   Graduation  The Breslin Student Event Center at MSU

June 9-June 13 8:00am-3:00pm  Diploma Pick-Up-Student Services

Senior Information

Final Transcripts

 - All seniors are required to send their final transcript to the college they will be attending.    Students are welcome to log into their Parchment account now to request their transcript be forwarded to their school of choice; when placing your order it is important that you select " Hold For Grades", which will indicate that you want your final transcript mailed in late June.  Final transcripts will not be available until the end of June.

Grand Ledge High School Emails

Senior email accounts through Grand Ledge Public Schools will be deleted in the summer.  Seniors are encouraged to transfer all pertinent information from their school account to a personal email as soon as possible.  Please include all college and Parchment log-in information in this transfer.   Once deleted, information cannot be retrieved. 

Diploma pick-Up

Diplomas may be picked up in the Student Services Office June 9-June 13 from 8:00am-3:00pm. 

All Fees for lost or damaged items must be paid before you receive your diploma.