Mental Health Resources
Anger Management
Child and Family Gateway
Community Mental Health Wellness Resource
Mental Resources for Coping with loss due to Coronavirus
If you are feeling emotional distress due to the COVID-19 pandemic, help is available here. Please call the hotline or go to the website if you are feeling overwhelmed, extreme anxiety or depression, there is help.
- Phone: 1-888-535-6136 then press “8” to talk to a Michigan Stay Well Counselor.
- Counselors are available 24/7 the call is confidential and free.
COMMNITY RECOURCES for Mental Health, Wellness Sources
GLEAP- Grand Ledge Emergency Assistance Program
Coping Skills for Anxiety and Depression
Coping with Stress
Talking with Children When the Talking Gets Tough
Guided Mindfulness: Exploring Difficulty
Knowing the difference , distress tolerance, & other tools
State of Michigan Teens Resources: Wellness Workshop, Staying Well, T.A.P (Take A Pause), Be Kind To Your Mind, Cultivating Joy
Coping with Trauma
How to Stay Organized for Distance Learning
Information About Anxiety and Depression
Family Acceptance Project: LGBTQ Youth and Family Resources
Family Acceptance Project Online with the University of Michigan
The Trevor Project - 24/7 crisis support services to young LGBTQ young people
The Salus Center - Lansing's LGBTQIA+ Community Center
Managing Symptoms of ADHD
32 of the Best Ways to Get Organized When You Have ADHD
- Have a place for everything
- Go Paperless
- Get rid of unnceccary items
- Use Visual Reminders
- Make Lists
- Get Granular - add details to your lists
- Check off completed tasks
- Have one place for important documents
- Set aside outfits, not individual clothes
- Talk about what you're doing
- Keep a hardcopy calendar
- Focus on one area each day
- Use technology reminders
- Use pictures
- Plan for extra time
- Keep storage spaces small
- Set small goals
- Focus on time management - schedule breaks
- Consolidate
- Use ADHD organization resources -evernote, todoist, bear, brain focus
- Organize sooner rather than later
- Surround yourself with supportive people
Substance Abuse - Find alcohol and drug rehabs in Michigan. - BOCA Recovery Center; Provide top-tier care for substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders, combining advanced clinical programming with luxurious amenities to ensure a secure, comfortable, and lasting recovery. - Find AA Meetings in Michigan in cities near you, offering a range of meetings across the state to support your journey to sobriety.
Technology Safety
Managing Your Screen Time
Impact of Social Media on Youth
Social Media Tips