College Planning and Financing
How to Use Your EDP for College Planning
How to Get the Most Out of College Planning Using Your EDP
Choosing and planning for a career is one of the most important things Comets can do during their time in high school.
At GLHS we use Xello to keep our Educational Development Plans (EDP) up to date.
All Comets in grades 7-12 have a Xello account that houses their EDP.
Students use this account to:
- conduct learning styles, interest, and skills assessments
- explore and save favorite career options
- explore and save post-secondary training plans
- explore the annual college planning timeline
- build resume/portfolio content by documenting their hobbies, interest, skills, abilities, volunteer work, extracurricular and work experience, and awards
To access your EDP (Educational Development Plan): Log into PowerSchool Student Account and click the arrow hyperlink in the upper right hand corner, then click “Sign into Xello”.
Students and parents are welcome to access this account anytime. Students will update information annually at school, but are encouraged to actively use this account throughout the school year and summer to update their resume and portfolio content.
College Planning
A Complete Guide to the College Admissions Process
Big Future (college search)
College Navigator (college search and college data)
College Bound Michigan Resource Hub
Capital Area College Access Network
Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (MACRAO)
Michigan State University Transfer Course Equivalency Search
*Not all college credits transfer to all other colleges. For information on transferring college credit, explore the website and contact the admissions office of the college you are interested in transferring to.
College Programs for Students with Financial Needs
Tuition Assistance Programs based on EFC (Estimated Family Contribution) within FAFSA
Public Schools
Central Michigan University - Tuition Advantage
Eastern Michigan University - Education First Opportunity Scholarship
Ferris State University - Ferris Pledge
Grand Valley State University - Grand Valley Pledge
Michigan State University - Spartan Advantage Program
Northern Michigan University - Tuition Advantage
Oakland University - Golden Guarantee
Saginaw Valley State University - Cardinal Commitment
University of Michigan - Blue Guarantee
Wayne State University - Wayne State Guarantee
Western Michigan University - Bronco Promise
Private Schools
Albion College - Promise
Aquinas College - Aquinas Assurance
Baker College - BeFree Tuition Guarantee
Cleary University - Cougar Country Promise
Cornerstone University - Cornerstone Commitment Grant
Siena Heights University - Brain Gain Promise
Spring Arbor University - SAU Cougar Commitment
The University of Olivet - Advantage Scholarship
University of Detroit Mercy - Titan Edge
College Research
When you're deciding on a college to apply to, there are key factors you need to do first.
- Figure out where you see yourself in the future, your career (it's okay to have multiple in mind). Things to think about:
- What are you interested in?
- What are your hobbies?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- What kind of changes or difference do you want to do?
- What do you want to make an impact in?
- What major(s) fit the career(s) you see yourself in (you don't have to pick just one major, it's good to see if the college offers multiple majors you're interested in)
- You need to research the different schools that are there, a couple of resources:
- Niche
- Princeton Review
- Social Media (Key Hashtags: ADayInTheLife(College Name), VirtualTours(College Name), DormsTour(College Name), FreshmanYearAt(College Name), CollegeLifeAt(College Name)
Now that you have retrieved your acceptance letters, it's time decide which school you should go to.
Deciding Factors:
- Tuition Cost
- Scholarship Offers
- Financial Aid Offers
- Faculty to Student Ratio
- Student Population
- Student Life (Activities, Events, Clubs, and Organizations)
- Athletics
- Dormitory
- Major/Minor Opportunities
- Internship Opportunities
- Work Study Opportunities
Common App
Financing College
Before you can complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) you will need to create a New FSA ID. An FSA ID gives you access to Federal Student Aid's online systems and can serve as your legal signature
Complete your (FAFSA) in October of your Senior Year.
Complete the College Scholarship Services Profile CSS/ Financial Aid Profile only if your college requires it
College Planning Help with Frank Bernier
MI Student Aid Tuition Incentive Program
Click here for Scholarships
Learn more information about financing for schools here: Money for College: A guide to Scholarships and Financial Aid
Scholarship Opportunties
NCAA/NAIA Clearinghouse
If you are planning on playing sports in college please create an account with NCAA/NAIA.
eligibility website below then Enter NCAA College-Bound Student-Athletes and go to Resources - Us Students
National Collegiate Athletic Association - NCAA
- NCAA Membership Directory
- NCAA Registration Checklist
- Guide for the College Bound Student-Athlete 2021 - 2022
GPA Calculation for NCAA Core Courses GPA for NCAA Core Courses
National Association of Intercollegiate Athletes - NAIA
National Christian College Athletic Association - NCCAA
National Junior College Athletic Association - NCJAA
Michigan Community College Athletic Association - MCCAA
Questions to ask on Campus Visits
- What activities and services are available to help students transition during their first year?
- What are the student and teacher ratios in the classroom?
- What is the cost of attending this college?
- What is the percentage of students that will receive financial aid?
- What type of grants and scholarships are offered through the college and how do I apply and qualify?
- Are you automatically assigned to an academic advisor?
- What is the process of course registrations?
- How easy is it to switch majors?
- What type of study abroad programs is offered within the college?
- Are internships available through the college?
- What is the retention rate for Freshmen moving to Sophomores?
- Is it required to live on campus during your first year?
- How are the residence halls set up and assigned? Co-ed, athletics, majors, honors, etc.?
- Can we take a tour of the dormitories?
- Are students required to have a meal plan?
- Can freshmen bring cars to campus?
- How is parking set up? Are there restricted areas where students can and have to park? What are the costs of parking?
- For lectures, are they taught by professors or teacher assistants?
- How accessible are professors to meet with outside of classroom time?
- What is available on campus to assure safety for students?
- Does the school offer free public transportation locally?
- What is there to do on the weekends on campus and locally? Do most students stay or leave campus on weekends?
- What are perks of attending the university? (eg, free access to games, gym, partnerships with local companies for discounts)
SAT/PSAT/ACT Test Preparation
College Board for SAT and PSAT
Create a College Board Account
College Board SAT 2020-21 Student Guide
How to Create a Study Schedule for the SAT or ACT
Understanding PSAT/NMSQT Scores
PSAT 8/9 Fast Facts for Parents & Guardians
4 Ways to Make the Most of Your PSAT 8/9 and PSAT 10 Scores
Free Test Prep Materials
Grand Ledge Area District Library
SAT Information
Benefit from Kaplan's admissions expertise by attending a free event! They will help you raise your PSAT, SAT, ACT score and help you navigate the admissions process. Our free full-length practice tests, admissions seminars and other events are designed to give you a competitive edge in the college admissions process.
ZAPS SAT Test-Prep Seminar Doorway to College
ACT Information
It includes general preparation, strategies for taking the test, and sample questions.
ACT Test Preparation Workshops by Dr. Frank Bernier.
Virtual College Tours
In the virtual tour videos, it is a playlist consisted of variety of college virtual tours. If you want to select a certain school, there is a playlist button, on the right side of the video. It will say 1/46 or 1/95 or 1/11. If you click on that button, it will show you the list of different schools. Select the school you would like to view virtually.
Virtual Michigan College Tours
Virtual Historical Black College and University College Tours
Virtual Federal Service Academy Tours
Guide to the College Admission Process
HBCU Information