Distance Learning Program

If you are interested in enrolling your child in the Grand Ledge Public School's distance learning program for the 2024-2025 school year, please fill out this form. Please fill out a separate form for each child for whom you are requesting the distance learning program. Once we gather this initial information, we will communicate to you additional details and other pertinent information in August.


The Distance Learning Program is only for students enrolled at Grand Ledge Public Schools.  Learn more about enrolling your student at GLPS here.

Please direct all questions to Tricia Brentar, Principal of the Distance Learning Program, by emailing brentart@glcomets.net .


Please note that this Distance Learning Program is NOT the same as the virtual courses offered at Grand Ledge High School (GLHS).  You can visit GLHS's Student Services / Counseling webpage about virtual learning to learn more about those opportunities for high school students.



Middle School (7-8)/High School (9-12): 

1st Hour: 8:02-9:11am

2nd Hour: 9:18-10:26am

3rd Hour: 10:33-11:42am

LUNCH: 11:42-12:12pm

4th Hour: 12:19-1:27pm

5th Hour: 1:34-2:42pm


1st Hour: 8:02-8:34am

2nd Hour: 8:41-9:11am

3rd Hour: 9:18-9:48am

4th Hour: 9:55-10:25am

5th Hour: 10:32-11:02am


Background of Distance Learning Program

Many of our students have had highly successful experiences learning in an alternative environment. Therefore, moving forward, GLPS feels that it is necessary to offer a Distance Learning Program as a viable learning system for students who prefer to learn in an alternative setting. Since GLPS has the capacity, knowledge, and resources to provide a Distance Learning Program, coupled with the potential for additional partnerships across the region, the district is planning to do so in an effort to meet students where they are. 




Mission of GLPS Distance Learning Program

The Grand Ledge Public Schools Distance Learning Program will provide high-quality, exemplary distance learning opportunities that promote distinguished academic achievement for students with diverse learning needs.


Vision of GLPS Distance Learning Program

The Grand Ledge Public Schools Distance Learning Program strives to be a model for creating lifelong learners who are able to maximize their abilities to build positive learning communities in a supportive, productive environment 




Structure of the Program

Students will attend classes daily via Zoom. Attendance in daily Zoom classes is required.  Students are expected to have their cameras on during live Zoom lessons. Please review the full attendance and camera policies.

Grade Levels: Students in grades 7-12 are eligible for the virtual learning program. 

Grades 7-12: Students will have the opportunity to sign up for distance learning sections of core classes. 100% of a student’s academic day may be via distance learning; however, students are eligible to take part in all of the same school-wide events, coordinated with building and distance learning teachers, as students learning in person. Electives may be provided by other online providers, or students may attend in person electives in the school building. Band, choir, and some other specialized courses may only be offered as in person sections.  Students should expect to engage in a full school day’s worth of learning, consisting of lessons in both formats on a daily basis. Many electives will be offered through Michigan Virtual. MVU is a program that has contracted with Grand Ledge to provide supplemental educational courses to our students.  In the Distance Learning program, MVU will typically provide at least 1 elective course per trimester, based on student credit needs and current program offerings. MVU classes count as GL credit for graduation and GPA. Students will be assigned a GL teacher as a mentor for their MVU class.  Students will be expected to communicate with their mentors several times per week.  These communications count as attendance for the MVU classes and students who fail to maintain their required communications can be considered truant. MVU classes are considered asynchronous, as they do not have a live Zoom component. However, students have class periods in their daily schedule for each course, and it is expected that they are logged in and working on their coursework during these periods.  GL mentor teachers may also require occasional Zoom meetings during the mentor hour to check in with students.




Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

  1. All teachers will use a consistent learning management system and grade book.

  2. The distance learning classes will utilize standards-based grading practices in order to reflect student learning.

  3. Students will be required to take all state and district standardized assessments.

  4. Distance learning classes will utilize Grand Ledge Public Schools curriculum materials as its base, not materials from a third-party provider like Michigan or Florida Virtual. However, these materials may be used to supplement and support GLPS tools as needed and appropriate.




Student Expectations

  1. Students are expected to learn, grow, and thrive in a distance learning environment designed to meet their learning needs.

  2. Students are expected to communicate regularly with their teachers.

  3. Students are expected to follow the code of conduct and student handbook for their assigned school building.

  4. Students are expected to engage in learning activities.

  5. Students are expected to manage their time effectively in order to maintain their coursework.

  6. Students are expected to complete social/emotional and/or community-building activities as well as academic activities. These are essential to a student’s mental health and school experience.


Parent Expectations

  1. Parents are expected to be partners in their student’s distance learning experience, and communicate with the distance learning teacher as needed. 

  2. Parents are expected to help students develop and implement a learning calendar, based on the schedule communicated by the distance learning classroom teacher.

  3. Parents are expected to provide a regular distance learning space for students in order to maximize a learning routine.





Best Practices for Distance Learning

  • Create a home learning space: Having a space dedicated to only school, with a chair and a hard surface such as a desk or table will help your student to focus and create a distinct line between ‘school time’ and ‘home time.’  

  • Keep your class schedule and create a routine/plan: Students will have set times to attend class via Zoom. However, supporting the school day routine will help provide focus. Encourage your student to use their school time wisely.

  • Minimize distractions: As much as possible, try to help your student minimize outside distractions such as phones, video games or other electronics.

  • Schedule check-ins for schoolwork: Even if it is only 5 minutes to sit next to your student and have them show you their schoolwork, providing a check-in helps reinforce the fact that students are in school.

  • Utilize available District Resources: Students who attend GL via the Distance Learning Program are still students of their home buildings and have the same access to resources such as the counselors and extra curricular services/activities.  

  • Realize that there will be setbacks, and help your student to overcome: Assignments will occasionally be turned in late.  Students will at times struggle with material.  School is a learning experience in more than just content. Encourage your student to reach out to teachers and mentors, identify issues, and create a plan for future success.  




Materials Required

  • Computer with working webcam, microphone and internet access (If you need this technology, you will be able to request it from the district)
  • Pencils, pens, markers or colored pencils
  • Paper, notebooks
  • Binder or folder to help with organization





If the information above did not quite answer your questions, please click here for an FAQ document...  it has the following questions:


  • What if my student has an IEP, 504, or other specialized supports?
  • What will my student’s daily schedule be?
  • What curriculum tools and resources will be used?
  • What will teaching and learning look like?
  • Will high school students be able to graduate on time?
  • When can my child enter or exit the program?
  • Can high school students enroll in the program and still attend LCC?
  • Is technology available?
  • Can school of choice students join the program?
  • Will my student be assigned to his/her/their current school building? 
  • Can my student participate in school activities?
  • Will my student be able to take part in electives, including band or choir?
  • How many classes does my student need to have in his/her/their schedule?




Distance Learning Program

Tricia Brentar

Tricia Brentar
Principal of Distance Learning Program

Principal's Office at Neff
 950 Jenne Street
 Grand Ledge, MI. 48837
 Phone: (517) 925-5640
 Fax: (517) 925-5453


Distance Learning Program

Tap on the image below to read the 2023-2024 Distance Learning Student Handbook.

Tap here to read the Distance Learning Student Handbook