
Delta Center Elementary Newsletter

305 S. Canal Rd. Lansing, MI 48917  |  Office 517-925-5540  |  Fax 517-925-5579  |  Attendance 517-925-5581  |

Friday, March 14th, 2025


Upcoming Dates


Mar. 18            Virtual Conferences  5:00 - 7:00 pm

Mar. 19            PTO Meeting 6:30 Library

Mar. 21 - 28    SPRING BREAK

March 31         No Students - Teacher P.D. 

May 23            No Students - Teacher P.D.

May 26            No Students - Memorial Day

June 6             Last Day / HALF Day - Dismissal time 12:10 pm                        



  School Hours  8:55 am - 3:55 pm

Please do not drop off before 8:40 am

    Pick up no later than 4:05 pm 

 Please call before 3:00 pm if you have a transportation change

Thank you!



From Our Principal

Thank you to all of our Delta Center families who were able to participate in our Spring Conferences! Our virtual conferences will be held on Tuesday evening. I appreciate and recognize the value of meeting with your child's teacher to discuss their academic progress. We aim for 100% participation as we are stronger as one team, your continued support and involvement in your child’s education is critical. For those of you who were not able to meet with your child's teacher, please reach out for a quick phone conference. We would also like to thank our fabulous PTO for all of our meals and coffee; we appreciate it so much on such a busy week.

Thank you to everyone using the north lot for morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. For safety reasons, the staff lot is not an option, as it requires students to cross the bus lane. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our students safe!


As always, if you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. 

Teresa Dyer

Trisomy Awareness Spirit Week

During the week of March 17th, we will be celebrating Trisomy Awareness with a spirit week. The dress up days are as follows:


Monday: Be comfy, be you! Pajama Day (get extra festive by wearing green jammies!)

Tuesday: Trisomy 18 awareness (wear light blue to bring awareness to Trisomy 18!) 

Wednesday: Our differences make us SUPER (Dress like a superhero)

Thursday: Crazy socks day (celebrate Down's Syndrome with crazy mismatched socks)


Reading Month News


Students and staff are enjoying the all school book, Fenway and Hattie!  Be sure to stay on schedule with the reading calendar so your child can participate in the Kahoot trivia games and enjoy book discussions with their classmates!

A big Thank You to Mrs. Allen, who decorated the doorway of our Literati Story Arcade Book Fair. The students loved it!

Thank you to my volunteers for helping me run the cash registers. Your time is very much appreciated!

Thank you to our DC families for supporting our fair and helping to raise funds for our library. It allows me to purchase new books for our students each year. Thank you so much! We had a successful fair. See you in November!

-Mrs. Gee

Additional Office News

Updating Student Contact Information

Click this link to update your address, name, phone number, email, emergency contacts, medical updates.

To change an address we need two proofs of residency. These are the only forms that we can accept.
*Property Tax Statement (the taxes you pay on your home twice a year)
*Lease/Rental Agreement (with your name, the address, and the signature pages sign by both the lessee and lessor)
*Utility Bill
*Mortgage/Home Closing Documents
*Cable/Internet Bill
*Home/Renter's Insurance

Driver's licenses and voter registration cards are NOT acceptable for this purpose

You can email the documents to or

If you have questions please contact our office at 517-925-5540.


Volunteering & Chaperoning

Persons wishing to volunteer for Grand Ledge Public Schools are required to complete the Volunteer Registration Form and be approved prior to serving as a volunteer.  All volunteers MUST check in at the office to receive a BADGE prior to proceeding to any other area on school property.  Please visit District Volunteer Application to complete the process.


Lost and Found

The lost and found is located near the gym. If your student is missing something, please have them check the lost and found. Labeling clothing/items will also help us to return things to students.  Thank you!


Delta Center PTO 

Our PTO provides support for teachers, academic materials for students, and fun activities for students and families. We are in need of volunteers to continue to run! 

Please see below our meeting schedule for this school year and a list of our members. We would love to have you join us. We have free childcare during the meetings!

What is a makerspace ? It is a place where students can build, create, innovate, and explore with tools and STEM based activities.  The goal is to be able to provide this learning experience to ALL of our students.Any questions please reach out to Brooke Ward. 

We are looking for parent volunteers to help run
makerspace on Monday’s during lunch recess!

Makerspace Volunteer Sign Up

Physical Education News

If you would like to help with P.E. equipment, please use this link 

We apprecitate your generosity!  

Mrs. Watters

Delta Center PE Teacher

District & Community News

Recognitions and Acknowledgements in the Upcoming Days

Is something missing? Please share with John Ellsworth, GLPS Director of Communications, any additional Recognitions & Acknowledgments you think we should include on this list or upcoming lists – email him at

Delta Township District Library

Wireless Emergency Alert & Statewide Tornado Drill, Mar 19

ALERT! This is a reminder. GLPS Supervisor of Student Safety Chris Chester is reminding you that on Wednesday. March 19, 2025, there will be a wireless emergency alert test and a statewide tornado drill that GLPS is participating in. ALERT! This is a reminder.

BE PREPARED, part of Severe Weather Week, Mar 17-23

GLPS Supervisor of Student Safety Chris Chester is sharing information from the Michigan State Police's MIREADY program – MICHIGAN.GOV/MIREADY – in preparation for Severe Weather Week. MIREADY has FEMA posters about being prepared for tornadoes; take a look.

Grand Ledge Jr Comets Softball Club

The Michigan Department of Education wants to provide students the opportunity to say positive things about their teachers, so they know they’re appreciated. We’ll feature the videos on MDE platforms during May for Teacher Appreciation Month! Help students submit their videos to us!

Click HERE to learn more about the Michigan Teacher Appreciation Video Project.

Newsletter Archive

Delta Center News!! 3-14-25
Dc News!! 3-7-25