Counseling Groups

Counseling Groups


Counseling groups are a great way to work on various skills with a small number of students. Small student groups are very beneficial as students tend to learn more and are more engaged when working with their peers. Students in small groups can see they are not the only one who has feelings like them and discover that others have similar situations to them. Students are able to share their feelings and experiences in a safe environment while learning skills to help them work through their situation or their emotions. 

Group meetings consist of no more than 7 students. Meetings are once a week and usually last for six weeks. I meet with the students either during an afternoon recess or lunch recess and the mettings are 30minutes. A student can be included in a group either by teacher referral or parent request. Before group meetings begin a letter will go home giving a brief description of what will done during the sessions and also requsting parent/guardian permission. At the end of the six week sessions a letter is sent home to let you know how your child did during the meetings. Below is a list of some of the groups I facilitate:

  • Grief/Loss
  • Friendship
  • Social Skills
  • Emotion control
  • Anxiety
  • Self Esteem
  • Being Responsible
  • Separation/Divorce

If you would like to refer your child for a group please contact me and I will do my best to make a space available for them. Groups will start in October and again after Christmas break.