Student Services Office
Welcome to the Beagle Middle School Student Services website!
As school counselors, we are concerned with the educational, emotional, and social development of all students in relation to their total school experience. All counseling is done in the best interest of the student. Students can receive counseling by teacher or staff referral, students may also refer themselves, or a parent may request counseling for their child. Counseling, whether it be individual, small group, or classroom curriculum is a way to encourage life long learning in students!
We work closely with students, staff, and parents in order to lay a foundation for educational excellence and foster responsible decision making. Some of the ways in which we assist include:
- Personal Counseling
- Individual Planning of Academic Schedules
- Academic Monitoring
- Guidance Lessons
- Group Counseling
- Middle School Transition (7th Grade)
- High School Transition (8th Grade)
Melanie Wright, School Counselor for students with last names beginning A-LEE (
Sam Weaver, School Counselor for students with last names beginning with LEI-Z (
Jennie Hernandez, Secretary in the Student Services
To contact the Student Services Office directly, please call 517-925-5682.
TIPS from the Counseling Office
Tips from the Counseling Office
Helping Your Child Get Organized
With more teachers, classes, homework, and activities, middle school students need to be organized to keep up with everything. This is an area in which parents can make a difference!
Use of a Daily Planner- If your child does not already have one, we will give them one! Please encourage your child to take his/her planner to every class to record assignments, upcoming tests/quizzes, and anything else he/she needs to remember.
Three-Ring Binder and Folders- Using a 3-ring binder with a different colored folder for each class is a great way to organize notes, homework, and returned assignments/tests.
Create a Home File- Have a place at home to store anything your child wants to keep or may need for later. Graded assignments/tests/quizzes/reports, etc. may help with preparation for future tests.
Collect Phone Numbers- Make sure your child has a phone number for at least one other student in each class. That way, if your child is absent or has a question, he/she will have someone to call.
Backpack/Locker- Encourage your child to clean out his/her backpack and locker regularly. Remind him/her that all papers should be put in a notebook or folder- never stuck loose in a book, locker or backpack.
Check PowerSchool Together- Get into the habit of reviewing your child’s grades, missing assignments and attendance together at least once per week.
Stress management tips for the Holidays
This time of year can be filled with many exciting events, gatherings and of course a long break from school. Since it is a busy time, it can also be stressful and it’s important to practice good self-care. The following ten tips may help you manage your stress during this busy season:
1. Try and get some sort of exercise each day
2. Get enough sleep each night
3. Eat healthy foods, including breakfast
4. Talk about your problems with others
5. Keep a journal to vent about situations and feelings
6. Break large tasks into smaller, more manageable steps
7. Practice taking slow, deep breaths from your stomach
8. Avoid negativity as much as possible
9. Don’t commit to more things than you can handle
10. Think positive thoughts
s your child over-scheduled? Effective time management is a skill that should be developed during the middle school years. These children are experiencing an increase in academic demands (more homework), and many are also involved in extracurricular activities that require a significant amount of their time and energy. Additionally, middle school students are forced to begin their day very early in the morning, which is a challenge for many. Lack of sleep is a true concern; students who are tired are not able to learn as well as those who get adequate sleep (more on this in a future article). It is important to help your child develop the skill of planning and managing their time so they can make the most of their opportunities both in and out of school. We encourage you to read this article on Time Management, ( written by therapist and retired school counselor, Judy Lipson.
Grieving During the Holidays: The holidays can be an especially difficult time for children coping with the death of a family member or other loved one. Following are some suggestions from Ele’s Place, a healing center for grieving children and teens in Lansing, to help you and your child:
· Light a candle to remember the person
· During family gatherings, talk about memories of the person who died
· Include a favorite food of the person who died as part of the holiday meal
· Know that it’s okay to laugh and have fun
· Make an ornament or decoration for the person who died- or one that reminds you of that person
BULLYING- Both school counselors are presenting a lesson on bullying this month to all 7th and 8th graders in their math classes. Through a video and discussion, we are addressing the following subtopics: 1) The 4 main categories of bullying: physical, verbal, relational and cyber bullying; 2) Reasons why bullies become bullies; 3) Potential long-term consequences for both targets and bullies; 4) how targets feel; 5) what students should do if they are bullied; 6) what students should do if they witness bullying events in person or via technology. We strongly encourage students to talk with a trusted adult if a bully is targeting them. However, at this age, targets are often reluctant to come forward and report that they are being bullied. We encourage you to have a conversation with your child about his/her experiences at school related to bullying. If he/she is concerned about him/herself or another student, please contact our Counseling Office and ask to speak to one of the counselors.
INSTAGRAM: What parents need to know!
Social media usage is exploding among the middle school population, and the trends change so quickly that it’s often difficult for parents to keep up. When it first started in 2010, Instagram was simply a photo-sharing program. Since Facebook took over Instagram in 2012, it’s popularity has continued to grow among our youth.
Most students at Hayes Middle School know what Instagram is and use it on their phones or i-Pods to share photos with friends. It is available for anyone 13 years and up, and kids don’t need to secure parent permission to create an account. Like anything else, Instagram has a dark side, of which too many parents are unaware!
We HIGHLY encourage ALL parents to read the full article, “Instagram and Kids: A Parent’s Guide to Privacy and Safety”, from the website,
There is simply too much important information to summarize in this small section of the newsletter. We hope the information in the article will help parents keep their kids safe and aware when they are online!
MSTEP TIPS FOR PARENTS- All 7th and 8th grade students will be taking MEAP tests over the next two weeks! To best prepare your child for standardized testing, we offer the following suggestions:
ü Try to have your child go to bed 15-30 minutes earlier than usual starting 2 nights before test day. Research now shows we sometimes don’t feel the effects of lack of sleep from one night until two days later!
ü Consider having your child take a shower the morning of a test day to help him/her wake up.
ü Have your child dress in layers to adjust for a cold or warm testing room.
ü Prepare a well-balanced breakfast for your child that includes some form of protein so they don’t get hungry during the test.
ü Make sure your child gets to the bus stop or school early so he/she is not late.
ü Encourage your child to think positively about the test; negative thoughts are anxiety inducing, and thus counterproductive.
ü Encourage your child to take their time on the test, and not worry about how fast or slow other students finish the test.
ü Encourage your child to put forth their best effort.
Check grades with your student on a regular basis!
Information was sent home recently regarding checking grades on PowerSchool. We recommend creating a weekly routine with your student to check grades, attendance and missing assignments. Starting this routine early in the school year will show your child that you are involved in his/her schooling, help prevent him/her from getting behind and increase communication with teachers. We also encourage students to check their grades on their own at least once a week. To get started here is the link to Parent Portal on PowerSchool: If you did not receive your username and password, please call the main office at 925-5680.
Keep your child’s cell phone in your bedroom at night!
According to Psychologist Suzanne Phillips, in an article posted on, 4 out of 5 teens sleep with their phone on or near their bed. Some use it as their alarm clock, but studies show most teens leave their phone on all night to stay connected to their peers. According to Phillips, “teens in focus groups report they sleep with a phone under the pillow in case someone contacts them. Many teens report stories of friends getting insulted, angry or upset if a text message or phone call is not responded to immediately.” One of the major problems with this, according to Phillips, is when a teen’s natural sleep pattern is disturbed; the loss of REM or intense sleep can result in increased irritability, anxiety and depression, as well as reduced concentration and creativity. So to promote positive mental and physical health, we recommend that parents buy inexpensive, “old school” alarm clocks for their kids, and store all the household cell phones in their bedroom at night. To read the full article click HERE.
If you live in any of the following situations
If you live in any of the following situations
If you/your family are living in any of the following situations:
- In a shelter
- In a motel or campground due to lack of an alternative adequate accomodation
- In a car, park, adandoned building, or bus or train station
- Doubled up with other people due to loss of housing or economic hardship
Your school-age children may qualify for certain rights and protections under the federal McKinney-Vento Act.
What You Need to Know to Help Your Child in School:
If your family is in a temporary or inadequate living situation due to a loss of housing, your child might be eligible for certain educational rights and services.
Under the McKinney-Vento Act, children in homeless situations have the right to:
- Go to school, not matter where they live or how long they have lived there.
- Attend either the local school or the school of origin, if this is in their best interest; the school of origin is the school the child attened when he/she was permanently housed or the school in which the child was last enrolled.
- Receive transportation to and from school of origin.
- Enroll in school immediately, even if missing records and documents normally required for enrollment, such as birth certificate, proof of residence, previous school records, or immunization/medical records.
- Enroll, attend classes, and participate fully in all school activities while the school gathers records.
- Have access to the same programs and services that are available to all other students, including transportation and supplemental educational services.
- Attend school with children not experiencing homelessness; a school can not segregate a student because he or she is homeless.
For additional information contact NCHE (National Center for Homeless Education)
Toll-free Helpline: 800-308-2145 or Website:
NCHE can explain your child’s school rights and tell you how to contact the local liaison in your school district. The local liaison can help enroll your child in school and make sure that your child receives the help that he/she needs.
Blessings in a Back Pack
Career Pathways
Career Pathways
Career Pathways are six broad groupings of careers that share similar characteristics and whose employment requirements call for many common interests, strengths and competencies.
The Six Michigan Career Pathways
![]() | Arts and Communications Careers in this path are related to humanities and performing, visual, literary and media arts. These include architecture, graphic, interior, and fashion design, writing, film, fine arts, journalism, languages, media, advertising, and public relations. |
![]() | Business, Management, Marketing, and Technology Careers in this path are related to the business environment. These include entrepreneurship, sales, marketing, computer information systems, finance, accounting, personnel, economics and management. |
![]() | Engineering/Manufacturing and Industrial Technology Careers in this path are related to technologies necessary to design, develop, install, and maintain physical systems. These include engineering, manufacturing, construction, service and related technologies. |
![]() | Health Sciences Careers in this path are related to the promotion of health and treatment of disease. These include research, prevention, treatment and related health technologies. |
![]() | Human Services Careers in this path are related to economic, political and social systems. These include education, government, law and law enforcement, leisure and recreation, military, religion, child care, social services and personal services |
![]() | Natural Resources and Agri-Science Careers in this path are related to agriculture, the environment and natural resources. These include agricultural sciences, earth sciences, environmental sciences, fisheries, forestry, horticulture and wildlife. |
To access your EDP (Educational Development Plan) go to
Initial username: hayes
Initial password: glps
Career Exploration Tests- 7th Grade
Gifted and Talented- MSU Gates Program
Academic Year Programs:
CHAMP, in partnership with the Department of Mathematics and Office of University Outreach and Engagement at Michigan State University, provides classroom instruction for qualified mathematically gifted students in grades 6-9.
CHAMP is designed so that the participating students will complete in two years the math content assigned in Michigan High School Content Expectations (HSCE) for all four years of high school as well as meet the Common Core National Standards.
In their first year of CHAMP, students study Algebra I and Algebra II. In the second year, CHAMP students study Geometry and a standard Pre-Calculus course (Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry, College Algebra, and a brief introduction to calculus concepts.) The table below summarizes the CHAMP progression of study:
CHAMP Schedule: | Course: | |
Semester 1 (Fall, Year 1) | = | Algebra 1 |
Semester 2 (Spring, Year 1) | = | Algebra 2 |
Semester 3 (Fall, Year 2) | = | Geometry |
Semester 4 (Spring, Year 2) | = | Pre-Calculus |
Students must begin CHAMP with the study of Algebra 1. Bypassing one or more CHAMP courses is not permitted.
Course attendance is mandatory. Students are allowed 2 absences per semester (2 for Fall, 2 for Spring) and must make up that class’ work by the next class session. Students who miss more than 2 class sessions will not receive a passing grade for the course and will be removed upon the third absence.
CHAMP is taught by Michigan State University faculty.
Student Advantages
- The accelerated program allows students to complete the traditional four-year high school mathematics program in two years.
- The time freed by the program gives students more options, including honors/AP/IB classes or dual enrollment in college courses.
- Students have the opportunity to work with university professors in a small class setting.
Study Labs
Study labs are typically optional, although you may be required to attend a few labs throughout the year.
The purpose of study labs is for students to work on homework, seek additional assistance on concepts learned in class, or to work cooperatively with other students.
If students cannot attend labs but wish to ask questions, they can submit questions to an online forum at any time, and receive feedback.
ISHALL, in partnership with the Department of English, the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures, and Office of University Outreach and Engagement at Michigan State University provides classroom instruction for qualified middle school students in grades 6-10. ISHALL is designed so that the participating students will complete in two years the English content assigned in Michigan High School Content Expectations (HSCE) for all four years of high school as well as meet the Common Core National Standards.
Students study a wide range of texts and media in literature and the humanities including novels, biographies, plays, poetry, and film. Students will also be exposed to a variety of different historical movements and types of literature, such as romanticism, enlightenment, Shakespearean drama, and comedy, in addition to modern works.
Below is the ISHALL schedule and the equivalent curriculum covered in the two year program:
ISHALL Schedule: | Curriculum Covered: | |
Semester 1 (Fall, Year 1) | = | Grade 9 English |
Semester 2 (Spring, Year 1) | = | Grade 10 English |
Semester 3 (Fall, Year 2) | = | Grade 11 English |
Semester 4 (Spring, Year 2) | = | Grade 12 English |
Students must begin ISHALL with the Grade 9 English curriculum. Bypassing one or more courses is not permitted.
Course attendance is mandatory. Students are allowed 2 absences per semester (2 for Fall, 2 for Spring) and must make up that class’ work by the next class session. Students who miss more than 2 class sessions will not receive a passing grade for the course and will be removed upon the third absence.
ISHALL is taught by Michigan State University faculty and staff.
Student Advantages
- The accelerated program allows students to complete the traditional four-year high school language arts program in two years.
- The time freed by the program gives students more options, including honors/AP/IB classes or dual enrollment in college courses.
- Students have the opportunity to work with university professors in a small class setting.
- Enrichment experiences, such as attending theatrical performances, may be available.
In School Group Opportunities
Ele's Group:
Beagle Middle School is so blessed to have a partnership with the grief counselors at Ele's Place. Ele's Place helps students cope with the death of someone, along with the grieving process. The program is eight weeks in duration, with a rotation so that the meetings are each held at a different hour, allowing for the least amount of academic time missed. If you are interested in this eight-week opportunity to help your student with grief, please do the following two things:
1. Speak with your students so they know what is going on. We do not want to broach such a difficult topic if the students are not willing to engage.
2. Fill out the Ele's Place form to permit Beagle Middle School to include your student in our grief group for eight weeks.
Life Skills for Success:
Updated information will be available soon.
Updated information will be available soon.
Peer Relations/Conflict:
Updated information will be available soon.
Social Skills/Friendships:
Updated information will be available soon.
Old Newsboys Association Of Greater Lansing- Footwear Program
The Old Newsboys Association of Greater Lansing provides free shoes or boots to deserving children in Lansing area schools.
Children qualify for footwear if they qualify for free or reduced lunch.
Requests are honored with coupons providing $50 for footwear for each child.
Please reach out to Mrs. Hernandez in the Student Services office @ or 517-925-5682 to receive an application.