
Middle School Athletic Director:

Jim Price


High School Athletic Director

Steve Baker

High School Athletic Office:


Upcoming events:

Middle School Track Information

  • 3/19 Parent meeting for track at 6 pm in the Beagle Cafeteria 
  • 3/24 registration for track opens
  • 4/1 first day of track practice

All athletes MUST have a physical on file before they can participate ( if your son played football or ran cross country, their physical is already on file). 

Please upload your child's physical using the link below:

GL Athletics Form

Middle School Weight Lifting Information:

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays starting November 19th-Spring Break-6-7 p.m. in HS weight room-
  • The cost is $65 and signup is through Community Rec
  • Open to all girl and boy athletes of all sports!