GLPS Facility Dog Program

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GLPS Facility Dog Program

GLPS Facility Dog Program and Canines for Change

The Grand Ledge Public Schools Facility Dog Program was started and continues in collaboration with Canines for Change, and GLPS has placed a facility dog in every school building.  Learn more about Canines for Change at its website – you can even sign up to get a newsletter from Canines for Change.


What is a facility dog?

Facility dogs are working dogs that have been trained to help multiple people in a facility like a hospital, nursing home, or school.  Facility dogs are like therapy dogs except instead of traveling to different locations, they work in the same place every day. 


What will the facility dogs do in our schools?

Our facility dogs will be available to staff and students who wish to interact with them in different ways such as reading, practicing math facts, or just cuddling and spending time. Our facility dogs can also be utilized for PT exercises, breaks, crisis intervention, communication, and friendship building among many other things.



Abu with Kim WheatAbu works at Delta Center Elementary, where teacher Kim Wheat is his host. He is a loved and valued member of the Delta Center Staff and enjoys helping students be the best versions of themselves.


Alfie with Jill FordAlfie works at Willow Ridge Elementary, and teacher Jill Ford is Alfie's host.


Clover and LauraClover works at the Sawdon Administration Building, and the business office's accounts payable technician Laura Konen is Clover's host.

Clover welcomes all


Diesel with Katie GregoryDiesel works at Holbrook Elementary, and teacher Katie Gregory is Diesel's host.

Diesel with Winkie


Gravy with Maria CapraGravy works at Grand Ledge High School, and Dean of Students Maria Capra is Gravy's host. Gravy is a chocolate labrador retriever, and she has been working in the high school since 2021. Gravy is available for classroom and individual visits. When not in class, Gravy can be found greeting students at the beginning of the day and walking in the halls during passing time and lunches. Gravy loves to spend time with the students and staff, getting belly rubs and giving hugs. 

Gravy with GLHS Cheerleaders

Abu with Dr. Ken Wright spacer Abu with students

Abu celebrating his birthday with students spacer Gravy at birthday party


Gretl and GillianGretl works at Beagle Middle School, and English teacher Gillian Eisenbraun is her host. Born in 2021, this fun-loving, sleepy goldendoodle loves being with students and staff, walks through the halls, and enjoys Milkbones in lieu of coffee.


Lucy at her birthday partyLucy works at Delta Mills & Neff Early Childhood Centers, and teaching assistant Vicky Campos-Rodriguez is Lucy's host.

Lucy was in a segment on Fox 47 News, highlighting her support of the MSU community.




Sandee with Sara TaylorSandee works at Wacousta Elementary, and Dean of Students Sara Taylor is Sandee's host.  Sandee is a standard poodle and has had extensive training for his job. Sandee began working at Wacousta in the fall of 2021. Sandee is available for staff to sign up for classroom and individual visits. All students and staff will have a lesson on how to interact with Sandee at the start of the school year. 

Sandee reading with kids

Sandee with kids


Sheldon in the classroom with teacher Jeff PalaciosSheldon works at Hayes Intermediate School, and teacher Jeff Palacios is Sheldon's host.
