Website Lab

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SO...  for our website, I used Foxbright and added a "Plain Text / Embed Script" block (this block can be found in the "Special Content" section when you add a new block in Foxbright)... and then I pasted in the embed code from Canva. 

I think it looks pretty good.


November 2022 Newsletter by Grand Ledge High School/C.H.





STORY BLOCK block is below


Please view my message here if you need translation services.


January 20, 2025

GLPS Families, 

As I try to do whenever there is a snow day decision to make, I wanted to send a quick communication about tomorrow’s closure. With windchill forecasts holding steady at 17-20 degrees below zero tomorrow, and with little warm up during the day, we have significant concerns about kids walking to and from school, waiting for buses in the morning, and getting off of buses in the afternoon. The cold weather can impact the buses’ ability to operate effectively, which could create delays and breakdowns, further adding to the potentially dangerous situation. In addition, when temperatures get this cold, there is also the potential for heating failures within the buildings themselves, especially those that have not been improved through bond construction yet, or are in the process of being improved. As for Adventure Club and Little Comets, we are concerned about kids and families at drop off and pick up, and the potential for heating issues remains present in those buildings as well. In short, when the forecast approaches 20 below zero, the margin of error becomes pretty thin, and we do not want to put students or families in dangerous situations.

We are aware that the forecasted cold temperatures continue through Wednesday, and we will monitor the forecast throughout the day tomorrow and communicate with you once we have a better idea of where temperatures will land.

Thank you, as always, for your understanding and support. Stay warm and stay safe! As always, I am #proudtobecomet! 

Dr. Bill Barnes
Superintendent of Schools

Newsletters via Stories

Holbrook Herald -- Sep. 5, 2023
Holbrook: Newsletter

Font Awesome possibilities . . .

Communications Calendar





STORY LIST block is below

Tomorrow's School Closing
Service, Reflection & Appreciation
Making a Decision on a Snow Day
Goals, Data and Upcoming Assessments
Heading into Winter Break 2024
Update on GLPS Construction
Our Second Snow Day
We have a calendar for the next school year! We have a calendar for the next school year! Here is the 2025-2026 GLPS District Calendar.