Student Enrollment - Enrolling for NEXT School Year

Comets Shine Brighter – Enroll Today!
Comets Soar Higher – Enroll Today!
Comets Go Further – Enroll Today!
Comets Reach Higher – Enroll Today!

Student Enrollment - Enrolling for NEXT School Year (2025-2026)

To ensure we have you complete the appropriate registration documents, please take a moment to answer the following question:

Does the student(s) you are enrolling live within the boundaries of the Grand Ledge Public Schools District?

Only residents of Grand Ledge Public Schools are guaranteed attendance.

Important Kindergarten Registration Information

To be eligible to enter kindergarten in the 2025-2026 school year, your child must be five years old on or before September 1, 2025.  However, in accordance with State Law, parents may complete a waiver for any student who will turn five between September 2 and December 1; the waiver is included as part of the online pre-enrollment process.

Begindergarten or Kindergarten?  Initial placement into the Begindergarten (BK) and Kindergarten (K) programs will be determined by birthdays, with children born between September 2 and December 1 being initially placed in BK.  Final placement decisions will be made following the Kindergarten Launch sessions, when building staff will finish their decisions about placement for the start of the school year.

The State of Michigan also requires your child to have a vision and hearing screening as well as a dental assessment before starting school, done by appropriate licensed professionals or the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.  The State requires GLPS to collect documentation of this; here are forms you can use and have a provider sign: vision & hearing screening form and dental assessment form.

Kindergarten Family meetings will be held in the spring, but first, please be sure to complete the online pre-enrollment.

Schools of Choice

Schools of Choice

Coming soon... 

The district's participation in the Schools of Choice Program is determined by the Board of Education each year, and for the 2025-2026 school year the Board allowed unlimited schools of choice for these specific grades:

  • Kindergarten
  • 4th grade
  • 5th grade
  • 8th grade

The online application for schools of choice is not yet available, but you can sign up for updates on the enrollment process here

Other grades may still apply as release students for the 2025-2026 school year, but that online application is not yet available.  You can, however, sign up for updates on the enrollment process here

Upon completion of the online application, you will receive an email explaining the next steps.

IMPORTANT: Transportation to and from our district will be the responsibility of the parent. 

Important Registration Information

Welcome to Grand Ledge Public Schools!


Upon completion of the pre-enrollment in Registration Gateway, the enrollment documents (see below) must be submitted to the registrar at your home school via:

1. An appointment made with the your student’s home school
2. Mobile Capture (upload from cell phone)
3. Direct upload (from a saved file on your device)
4. Fax
5. Email (not recommended for security purposes)

All of the following enrollment documents are required before information that has been submitted during the online pre-enrollment process can be verified:

  • Student's birth certificate  
  • Student's up-to-date immunization records
  • Verification of residency using one of the following:
    • Property Tax Statement
    • Lease/Rental Agreement
    • Utility Bill
    • Mortgage/Home Closing Documents
    • Cable/Internet Bill
    • Home/Renter’s Insurance

Driver's licenses and voter registration cards are NOT acceptable for this purpose.

If Applicable:

  • Dietary Accommodations Form
  • Education Plans
          • Individualized Education Program (IEP)
          • Reading Plan
          • Section 504
  • Legal Documents - Court Orders or Custody Agreements
  • Medication/Medical Forms
  • MHSAA New Student Form
  • Residency Home of Relative Verification Affidavit
  • Student Residency Verification

When all required documentation has been received, you will receive a telephone call to verify the information provided in Registration Gateway and finalize the student enrollment.  If you have any questions or require language/translation assistance, please contact your home school (listed below) or Sarah Finley at (517) 925-5447.

Early Childhood Special Education (Grades PK3 - PK4)
Neff Early Childhood Center – (517) 925-5640

Elementary Schools (Grades K - 4) 
Delta Center Elementary School – (517) 925-5540
Holbrook Elementary School – (517) 925-5480
Wacousta Elementary School – (517) 925-5940
Willow Ridge Elementary School – (517) 925-5775

Intermediate School (Grades 5 & 6) 
Hayes Intermediate School – (517) 925-5740

Middle School (Grades 7 & 8)
Beagle Middle School – (517) 925-5680

High School (Grades 9 - 12)
Grand Ledge High School – (517) 925-5900

Failure to provide all required documentation will delay your student's enrollment.

Leaving Grand Ledge Public Schools?

If you want your student released from Grand Ledge Public Schools to attend a different school district during the 2024-2025 School Year, please complete the State Aid Release Request Form below.

External Link State Aid Release Request

Student Medication Form

If your student needs to take prescription medication while at school, please complete this form and provide the original to your student's school.

PDF DocumentPhysician Medication Authorization


Schools of Choice

Schools of Choice

Coming soon... 

The district's participation in the Schools of Choice Program is determined by the Board of Education each year, and for the 2025-2026 school year the Board allowed unlimited schools of choice for these specific grades:

  • Kindergarten
  • 4th grade
  • 5th grade
  • 8th grade

The online application for schools of choice is not yet available, but you can sign up for updates on the enrollment process here

Other grades may still apply as release students for the 2025-2026 school year, but that online application is not yet available.  You can, however, sign up for updates on the enrollment process here

Upon completion of the online application, you will receive an email explaining the next steps.

IMPORTANT: Transportation to and from our district will be the responsibility of the parent. 

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