School Health Information & Forms

School policy regarding drugs and medications taken at school is designed for the safety of all students.  When a student is required to take drugs or medications at school, any and all medications must be delivered to the school office by a parent/guardian or an adult parent representative - NOT BY STUDENTS.

If possible, please arrange to have medication given at home. 

Students with respiratory or highly allergic conditions will be allowed to carry inhalers and/or emergency medical kits with them while at school, as long as the authorization form is on file at the school.

Consent forms to dispense medication at school are also available in the school office.

You will need to complete the necessary form(s) below, print them out to  obtain the physician's signature and then return the completed form to the school before any medication will be given at school.

If you have any questions, please contact our school nurse, Cindy Bummette,RN at 517-925-5425.

External Link Medical and Other Forms

Here are some additional resources for maintaining your child's health:

External Link Center for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC) is the nation’s health protection agency and leading authority on communicable diseases in our nation.  There are multiple resources within their site from education on a specific communicable condition to adolescent school health. 

External Link Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) is the trusted source for Food Allergy Information.

External Link Asthma Initiative of Michigan (AIM) an Asthma educational site.  Asthma is a serious chronic disease of the lungs.  It can be prevented and controlled with proper care.  People with asthma can live normal active lives.

External LinkAmerican Epilepsy Foundation

Diabetes Resources: 

External LinkJuvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)  

External LinkChildren with Diabetes    

External LinkAmerican Diabetes Association 

Nutritional Resources:

External LinkUnited States Department of Agriculture (USDA)  

External LinkUnited Dairy Industry of Michigan (UDIM)