2024 School Millage Proposals

MORE INFORMATION WILL BE ADDED TO THIS PAGE IN THE UPCOMING DAYS... this page was last updated on Friday, August 23, 2024.


The Board of Education unanimously approved a resolution to place the Operating Millage Proposal and the Sinking Fund Millage Proposal on the November 5th ballot.

Operating Millage Proposal      

This proposal will allow the school district to continue to levy the statutory rate of not to exceed 18 mills on all property (except principal residence and other property exempted by law) required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. Voters will decide whether the limitation on the amount of taxes that may be assessed against all property in Grand Ledge Public Schools (except principal residence and other property exempted by law) shall be increased by 18.8899 mills for a period of 10 years – replacing an 18.8899 mill operating millage that expired with the 2024 tax levy. The proposal’s estimated revenue is approximately $12,485,000, about 16% of the general fund budget.

Sinking Fund Millage Proposal    

Voters will decide whether to increase the sinking fund millage to the rate of 0.7921 mills for ten years – replacing a 0.7921 mill sinking fund millage that expired with the 2024 tax levy.

The Sinking Fund is a capital improvement fund that was first approved by the voters in 2002 at a rate of 1.000 mills, and previous voters approved renewals in 2011 and 2021. Headlee reductions have lowered the tax rate over time to the current rate of 0.7921 mills. In the past, it has paid for school building improvements, roof replacements, HVAC upgrades, parking lot work, athletic facility upgrades, and more. If approved this November, the Sinking Fund could also be used to pay for school buses, security improvements, student technology, maintenance vehicles, and all other purposes authorized by law.

Here are some Sinking Fund projects completed and/or in progress from the last three years:

  • Parking lot asphalt & lighting
  • LED light fixtures within multiple buildings
  • Neff sidewalk extension
  • Wacousta kindergarten playground
  • Elevator upgrades at GLHS & Sawdon
  • Pressbox windows & doors
  • Track storage barn

This publication is paid for by Grand Ledge Public Schools,220 Lamson Street, Grand Ledge, MI 48837