Strategic Plan Updates
2024 Update
2024 Strategic Plan Update
This is a 2024 update on the strategic plan.
- Slides: 2024 Strategic Plan Update
- SMART Goal Progress: 2023-2024 Goals Update
2024-2025 Strategic Plan SMART Goals
2024-2025 Strategic Plan SMART Goals – This document contains the 2024-2025 SMART Goals for each Focus Area of the Strategic Plan as well as the ongoing goals from previous years.
2023 Update to the Board of Education
Strategic Plan Update - August 14, 2023
Superintendent Dr. Bill Barnes provided the Board of Education with a Strategic Plan Update at their August 23, 2023, meeting. He shared slides as he reported about the district's efforts and provided additional documentation about specific SMART goal progress:
- Slides: August Strategic Plan Board Update
- SMART Goal Progress: 2022-2023 Goals Update
Watch Dr. Barnes give the Board of Education the Strategic Plan Update at the August 14, 2023, meeting.
2022 Update to the Board of Education
2022 Update to Board of Education
Click the image below to view the Strategic Plan SMART Goals Board Presentation from December 12, 2022. The Board of Education approved the SMART goals on December 12, 2022.
Strategic Plan
At their June 13, 2022 Meeting, the Grand Ledge Public Schools Board of Education approved the Mission, Vision and Belief Statements, as well as the Goal Statements for the 2022-2027 Strategic Plan as developed by the Strategic Planning Team during a retreat workshop held on May 14, 2022. The Strategic Planning Team consisted of 35 parents/guardians, community members, board members, educational partners, students and staff members.
"Growing Learners, Preparing Students (GLPS)"
"Grand Ledge Public Schools will provide every student a high-quality education, critical thinking skills, and social development to reach their highest potential in a safe and inclusive environment."
- "We believe all students can learn."
- "We believe it is the role of the school district to provide support and access for all students."
- "We believe in an inclusive learning environment where every person is valued."
- "We believe the GLPS staff are professionals who are vital to the health and future of the Grand Ledge community."
- "We believe in a safe, inclusive environment where students can explore their interests and learn the skills they need to thrive in their communities."
- "We believe in partnerships between the family, community, and education stakeholders for the success of GLPS."
2022-2027 Strategic Plan Focus Areas
Click the image below to view the Strategic Plan SMART Goals Board Presentation from December 12, 2022. The Board of Education approved the SMART goals on December 12, 2022.
Focus Area 1: Academics & Programs
GLPS will align academic programs to meet individual needs and improve student achievement. Here are the SMART Goals for this focus area, as updated at the Board of Education meeting on December 11, 2023.
Focus Area 2: Learning Environment & Culture
GLPS will develop and maintain a robust and sustainable culture focusing on diverse goals, needs, and experiences for all individuals. Here are the SMART Goals for this focus area, as updated at the Board of Education meeting on December 11, 2023.
Focus Area 3: Communication & Community Engagement
GLPS will provide concise, regular, and proactive communication to all stakeholders and will foster meaningful community engagement. Here are the SMART Goals for this focus area, as updated at the Board of Education meeting on December 11, 2023.
Focus Area 4: Personnel & Leadership
GLPS will recruit, develop, and retain high quality staff who meet the growing and diverse needs of students and the district. Here are the SMART Goals for this focus area, as updated at the Board of Education meeting on December 11, 2023.
Focus Area 5: Operations
GLPS will continuously assess and improve operational needs to support a safe learning environment. Here are the SMART Goals for this focus area, as updated at the Board of Education meeting on December 11, 2023.
DEFINITIONS of Strategic Plan Terms
These terms appear in the strategic plan mission, vision, beliefs, focus areas, and/or SMART goals. Common definitions help to clarify the intent of the language, and ensure that everyone understands the terms. View the definitions here.
"Growing Learners, Preparing Students (GLPS)"
"Grand Ledge Public Schools will provide every student a high-quality education, critical thinking skills, and social development to reach their highest potential in a safe and inclusive environment."
- "We believe all students can learn."
- "We believe it is the role of the school district to provide support and access for all students."
- "We believe in an inclusive learning environment where every person is valued."
- "We believe the GLPS staff are professionals who are vital to the health and future of the Grand Ledge community."
- "We believe in a safe, inclusive environment where students can explore their interests and learn the skills they need to thrive in their communities."
- "We believe in partnerships between the family, community, and education stakeholders for the success of GLPS."